CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 66.79% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.
You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

CFDs are complex instruments and come with a high risk of losing money rapidly due to leverage. 66.79% of retail investor accounts lose money when trading CFDs with this provider.
You should consider whether you understand how CFDs work and whether you can afford to take the high risk of losing your money.

Terms and Conditions


  1. O Contrato entre nós
  2. Termos e Condições que se aplicam ao serviço
  3. Disposições relevantes para tipos específicos de clientes
  4. Aviso de risco


Este documento é importante e contém os termos em que fornecemos o nosso trading de metais preciosos, CFD e divisas online (os “Serviços”) para você.

Devido a restrições regulamentares da CFTC e em conformidade com o Dodd-Frank Act, HANTEC MARKETS LTD NÃO PODE ABRIR CONTAS PARA RESIDENTES DOS ESTADOS UNIDOS*.

É fundamental que você leia e compreenda estes termos e garantiremos que você tenha uma oportunidade adequada de fazer isso, não permitindo que você negocie enquanto não nos confirmar que leu estes termos. Se tiver dúvidas, entre em contato conosco.

A Hantec Markets Limited (“Hantec Markets”) é autorizada e regulamentada pela Comissão de Serviços Financeiros da República da Maurício.

1. O Contrato entre nós

O Contrato entre nós (este “Contrato”) inclui:

  • estes termos e condições;
  • e os termos e questões definidos no formulário de solicitação de abertura de contas e quaisquer sub-mandatos.


Este Contrato representa todos os termos acordados entre nós com relação aos Serviços, a menos que tenhamos concordado por escrito complementar ou modificar este Contrato.

1.2. Data de vigência


Este Contrato entrará em vigor no dia anterior à data em que você preencher e assinar o Formulário de Solicitação de Abertura de Conta ou na data em que você começar a usar os Serviços (sendo um dia em que estamos abertos para negociações ou no próximo dia útil, se não estivermos abertos, um “Dia útil”). As nossas obrigações contidas neste Contrato em relação aos nossos Serviços se tornarão efetivas no Dia Útil em que recebermos uma transferência de fundos para a sua conta.

1.3. Direitos de cancelamento


Você tem o direito de cancelar este Contrato no prazo de 14 dias a partir do Dia Útil em que nós recebermos seu Formulário de Solicitação de Abertura de Conta preenchido. Se você deseja cancelar este Contrato, por favor, informe o seu contato na Hantec Markets ou escreva para nós: Suite 208, 2nd Floor, The Catalyst, Silicon Avenue, 40 Cybercity, 72201 Ebene, República de Maurício ou envie e-mail para [email protected].


Se você não exercer este direito de cancelar dentro do prazo necessário, você ainda poderá exercer o seu direito de rescindir este Contrato sob a cláusula


Você concorda que o direito de cancelamento e o direito de rescisão contidos no Contrato estão relacionados apenas ao cancelamento ou rescisão do Contrato. Tal cancelamento ou rescisão não afetará a conclusão das transações iniciadas antes de recebermos o seu aviso de cancelamento ou rescisão. O cancelamento ou rescisão não afetará os seus ou os nossos direitos adquiridos, indenizações, compromissos existentes ou qualquer outra disposição contratual destinada a sobreviver à rescisão deste Contrato.


Nenhuma penalidade será aplicada ao cancelamento, no entanto, você pagará nossas taxas de forma proporcional à data do cancelamento e quaisquer despesas adicionais necessariamente incorridas por nós (ou por terceiros) no cancelamento deste Contrato e por quaisquer perdas necessariamente realizadas ao liquidar ou concluir transações pendentes e transferir seus fundos de volta para você.


Você deve observar que forneceremos os Serviços a você até recebermos um aviso de cancelamento de acordo com seu direito de cancelamento e, se você cancelar, o valor que receberá de volta, poderá ser menor que o seu investimento inicial devido a valores de mercado flutuantes, pagamento de quaisquer taxas devidas para nós, custos incorridos e quaisquer custos incorridos por nós devido a circunstâncias fora de nosso controle.

*Um residente nos Estados Unidos significa qualquer um dos seguintes: qualquer pessoa natural que resida nos Estados Unidos; qualquer corporação, parceria, associação ou outra entidade legal criada ou organizada sob as leis de qualquer jurisdição dos Estados Unidos; uma filial ou agência de uma entidade estrangeira localizada nos Estados Unidos; uma relação de confiança na qual o administrador seja residente dos Estados Unidos; uma propriedade da qual uma pessoa residente nos Estados Unidos seja o executor ou administrador; ou qualquer conta mantida em benefício de uma pessoa residente nos Estados Unidos.

2. Termos e Condições aplicáveis aos Serviços

2.1. Hantec Markets Limited

A Hantec Markets Limited é autorizada e regulamentada pela Comissão de Serviços Financeiros da República de Maurício.

Nossa local principal de negócios fica em Suite 208, 2nd Floor, The Catalyst, Silicon Avenue, 40 Cybercity, 72201 Ebene, República de Maurício (iremos notificá-lo de qualquer alteração em nosso local principal de negócios), nosso número de telefone é 020 7036 0888 e nosso endereço de e-mail é [email protected].

2.2. Serviços de negociação não aconselhados


A menos que nós tenhamos concordado em fornecer consultoria de investimento e tenhamos feito uma recomendação pessoal em relação a uma transação em particular, oferecemos "serviços de negociação não aconselhados", o que significa que nós compramos de você ou vendemos investimentos para você ou compramos ou vendemos investimentos em seu nome, quando você não desejar que o aconselhemos sobre os méritos ou a adequação da transação para você.


Qualquer instrução que você nos der em relação a serviços de negociação não aconselhados devem ser dadas por você através dos nossos sistemas de transações de metais preciosos, CFDs e divisas online (a “Plataforma Online”), a menos que concordemos de outra forma.


Forneceremos preços aos que a moeda, o metal precioso e o CFD relevantes podem ser comprados ou vendidos verbalmente ou por meio da Plataforma Online.


é obrigado a liquidar cada transação na data acordada conosco para a liquidação ou, se não houver essa data, no segundo dia útil após a execução de uma ordem por nós ou em outra data que possamos determinar (a “Data do Valor”).

2.3. Adequação


Mesmo se não estivermos fornecendo conselhos de investimento, para certos tipos de investimento (considerados por nós investimentos complexos) quando recebermos instruções para negociar de forma não aconselhada, avaliaremos a adequação de tais instruções com o seu conhecimento, experiência e compreensão dos riscos envolvidos. Caso não tenhamos informações suficientes para fazer essa avaliação, reservamo-nos o direito de não agir de acordo com as instruções que recebermos de você.


Se considerarmos que (com relação às informações que possuímos sobre você) uma transação é inadequada, alertaremos você sobre isso. Se você desejar prosseguir com a transação após receber este aviso, você será o único responsável por essa decisão.

2.4. Confirmações


Quando negociamos por você de forma não aconselhada, nós forneceremos um aviso em formato eletrônico, confirmando a execução da sua ordem e detalhes da transação (como o preço e qualquer taxa de câmbio usada para uma conversão de moeda). Você deve verificar cuidadosamente a confirmação e nos informar imediatamente sobre quaisquer erros. A menos que você nos avise dentro de 24 horas que há um erro na confirmação que enviamos, será considerado obrigatório para você (na ausência de erro manifesto).

2.5. Melhor execução


Quando executamos uma ordem em seu nome, tomaremos todas as medidas razoáveis para obter o melhor resultado possível para você, levando em consideração diversos fatores relevantes. Para obter a melhor execução, adotamos uma política de execução de ordens disponível em nosso site. Nossa política de execução de ordens é revisada periodicamente e sempre que ocorre uma alteração relevante que afeta nossa capacidade de continuar a fornecer a melhor execução. Ao celebrar este Contrato, você confirma que concorda com esta política.


Observe que instruções específicas suas com relação à execução de ordens pode impedir-nos de seguir nossa política de execução de ordens em relação aos elementos de execução cobertos pela instrução específica.


Quando realizamos transações em seu nome, denominadas em uma moeda estrangeira que não seja a moeda base da sua conta (como essa moeda básica é fornecida no Formulário de Solicitação de Abertura de Conta), podemos realizar as transações de moeda necessárias (juntamente com as transações de hedge, transação por transação) na data de liquidação da transação, e não na data de negociação às nossas taxas de câmbio então vigentes.


Quando necessário, os pagamentos em sua conta podem ser convertidos na moeda base da sua conta.

2.6. Capacidade


A menos que concordemos de outra forma no momento da negociação, seremos a contraparte de todas as suas transações e agiremos como principal e não como agente em seu nome. A menos que concordemos de outra forma, trataremos você individualmente como nosso cliente para todos os fins e você será direta e totalmente responsável pelo cumprimento das obrigações decorrentes de cada transação que celebrarmos com você ou em seu nome. Não temos nem procuramos ter nenhum relacionamento com terceiros em nome de quem pode ser reivindicado que você está agindo.

2.7. Agregação


Sujeitos a quaisquer regras ou regulamentos da FSC, podemos agregar transações em relação à sua conta com as de outros clientes e de nossos funcionários e associados (incluindo qualquer empresa holding ou subsidiária (conforme definido na Lei de Sociedades de 2001) periodicamente, de nossa e/ou qualquer empresa subsidiária de qualquer empresa holding, uma “Empresa Associada”) e seus funcionários sem consultar você primeiro. Agregaremos apenas a sua ordem se acreditarmos que é provável que a agregação da sua ordem funcionará de maneira geral para sua vantagem. No entanto, você deve observar que o efeito da agregação pode funcionar em sua desvantagem em relação a uma ordem específica.

2.8. Uso da nossa plataforma online


Você poderá colocar ordens pelas taxas de câmbio e preços exibidos na Plataforma Online.


A propriedade dos materiais e do texto contidos em nosso site, acessados a partir dele, ou de outra forma distribuídos a você por nós, é confidencial e protegida por direitos autorais. Você concorda que este material e texto são para seu uso pessoal e que você não os divulgará a ninguém. Todas as comunicações eletrônicas entre as partes no curso dos negócios podem ser monitoradas por nós de acordo com a lei relevante.


Nós o notificaremos da senha da sua conta da Plataforma Online por telefone, carta ou e-mail. Suas informações pessoais serão solicitadas como forma de verificar sua identidade antes que a senha seja liberada por telefone. Sua senha é estritamente confidencial e você concorda em assumir total responsabilidade por todas as transações, perdas, custos e despesas, caso qualquer transação seja aceita e concluída por nós após a senha ter sido fornecida a você.


Você concorda que, ao usar a Plataforma Online, deu seu consentimento prévio e expresso para receber e transmitir instruções para execução fora de um mercado regulamentado ou de um sistema de trading multilateral.


Você nos fornecerá uma lista de pessoas devidamente autorizadas por você para acessar a Plataforma Online em seu nome (cada uma “Usuário Autorizado”). Você deve nos notificar imediatamente quando qualquer nova pessoa se tornar um Usuário Autorizado ou quando qualquer Usuário Autorizado existente não tiver mais o direito de ser um Usuário Autorizado. Após o recebimento desse aviso, a alteração no Usuário Autorizado entra em vigor imediatamente (ou na data especificada no aviso). No entanto, esse aviso não afetará nenhuma instrução já executada antes do recebimento desse aviso. Todas as instruções dadas e aceitas por um Usuário Autorizado serão consideradas instruções autorizadas por você e serão vinculativas para você.


Você deve garantir que cada Usuário autorizado saia e feche o navegador da Internet depois de usar a Plataforma Online.


Você nos avisará imediatamente se tiver algum motivo para acreditar que seu login e senha não foram mantidos em sigilo e protegidos ou que possam ter sido conhecidos por outras pessoas.


Podemos, a qualquer momento, sem aviso prévio, suspender, retirar ou negar o acesso à Plataforma Online por qualquer motivo, incluindo, entre outros, segurança, qualidade de serviço, falha no pagamento de um valor quando vencido ou violação por você de qualquer disposição de este Acordo.

2.9. Transmissão de ordens


A menos que acordado de outra forma por nós, todas as ordens de negociação devem ser fornecidas a nós através da Plataforma Online. Essa ordem não entrará em vigor a menos que seja realmente recebida por nós.

2.10. Ordens não vinculativas


Quando você clica no botão enviar para colocar uma ordem por meio de nossa Plataforma Online (ou nos der uma ordem por qualquer outro meio que possamos concordar), não teremos a obrigação de aceitá-la ou, se aceita, não temos a obrigação de executá-la. Ordens não executadas podem ser canceladas a nosso critério. Depois que uma ordem for inserida em nossa plataforma online, ela não poderá ser alterada ou cancelada por você.


Nós nos esforçaremos para aconselhá-lo prontamente se surgirem circunstâncias em que não possamos aceitar ou executar suas ordens, desde que não tenhamos nenhuma obrigação de fornecer a você nossos motivos para não agir de acordo com suas ordens e desde que não sejamos responsáveis perante você de nenhuma forma se recusarmos a seguir suas ordens.

2.11. Depósito de margem


Antes de executar qualquer ordem, podemos, a nosso critério absoluto, exigir um depósito do valor que especificarmos em relação a qualquer responsabilidade real, antecipada ou contingente que você possa ter para nós em relação a posições abertas antecipadas ou existentes que você possui ou terá conosco (o “Depósito de Margem”).


Reservamo-nos o direito de alterar os requisitos de margem a qualquer momento e qualquer alteração pode entrar em vigor imediatamente. Podemos informá-lo por e-mail, por meio da plataforma de negociação eletrônica, ligação telefônica, fax, post, mensagem de texto ou publicação de aviso de alteração em nosso site. É sua responsabilidade conhecer sempre o requisito de margem atual aplicável à sua conta e às suas posições abertas.

2.12. Limitações da plataforma online

Devido às limitações de uma plataforma on-line, onde é possível um mercado ficar negativo, reservamo-nos o direito de fechar quaisquer posições em aberto e/ou liquidar o mercado em um nível predeterminado no positivo ou no melhor preço possível, o que também pode ser negativo;

2.13. Liquidez

Podemos, onde e na extensão permitida pelas leis e regulamentos aplicáveis, adotar uma ou mais das seguintes medidas para protegê-lo:

  • cessar ou suspender a negociação e/ou recusar-nos a entrar em negociações ou aceitar ordens;
  • fazer alterações em nossos tempos normais de trading para todos ou quaisquer mercados;
  • fazer alterações em nossos preços e spreads;
  • alterar o nível de stop out aplicável à sua conta;
  • fechar quaisquer posições abertas cancelar e/ou
    preencher qualquer ordem e/ou fazer alterações nos preços e/ou limitar a quantidade de qualquer negociação, posições abertas e ordens;
  • tomar ou omitir todas as outras ações que consideramos sensatas nas circunstâncias para proteger a nós mesmos e a nossos clientes como um todo.

Tomaremos medidas sensatas para notificá-lo sobre qualquer decisão que possamos tomar antes de tomar qualquer medida, dentro do possível. Se não for possível notificá-lo com antecedência, você será notificado imediatamente ou após a ação.

Não seremos responsáveis por qualquer perda ou dano resultante da cláusula 2.12. e 2.13. deste Contrato, desde queajamos de maneira sensata.

2.14. Fundos liberados


Você deve sempre ter fundos suficientes liberados conosco antes de executarmos qualquer ordem. Indicaremos a quantia necessária como Depósito de Margem para cada ordem.


Só aceitaremos fundos seus quando:

  • eles vierem de uma conta mantida em seu nome, em conjunto ou individualmente, o pagamento for originário de você e nos reservamos o direito de verificar a conta bancária se o pagamento for feito por transferência bancária.
  • forem feitos em seu nome por um corretor de apresentação; tivermos um acordo em vigor com o corretor de apresentação; e fizermos todas as verificações necessárias para verificar a conta com a qual o pagamento é feito.


Se sua conta tiver um valor em dinheiro negativo, por qualquer motivo, incluindo, sem limitação, o fechamento de suas posições sob o termo 2.17 ou a rescisão deste Contrato, esse valor em dinheiro negativo representa uma dívida que nos é devida e pagável imediatamente.

2.15. Lucros, Perdas e Cobranças de Juros sobre


Para qualquer posição aberta mantida por você, periodicamente creditaremos sua conta com lucros e juros ganhos ou debitaremos de sua conta por perdas e juros incorridos desde a data acordada conosco até a Data do Valor (conforme definido na cláusula 2.2.4 acima) ou até que a posição seja fechada ou liquidada, da seguinte maneira:

  • para a compra de uma moeda contra a venda de outra moeda e se a moeda comprada tiver uma taxa de juros mais alta que a moeda vendida, os juros daí resultantes serão creditados em sua conta;
  • para contratos de metais preciosos, os juros decorrentes da compra ou venda de metais preciosos serão creditados ou debitados na sua conta;
  • no caso de uma taxa de juros negativa, os juros daí resultantes serão debitados na sua conta;
  • no caso de CFDs, cobraremos uma taxa de juros em relação a cada posição aberta [longa (ou comprada)]:
  • no caso de posições longas (ou compradas), estabeleceremos a diferença entre o preço ou o nível em que entramos na transação com você e o preço ou o nível do objeto (ou subjacente) na Data do Valor, se for maior, pagaremos a diferença para você, mas se for menor, você pagará a diferença para nós;
  • no caso de posições curtas (ou vendidas), estabeleceremos a diferença entre o preço ou o nível em que entramos na transação com você e o preço ou o nível do objeto (ou subjacente) na Data do Valor, se for menor, pagaremos a diferença para você, mas se for maior, você pagará a diferença para nós.


Em todos os casos, os juros serão à taxa que determinamos periodicamente e publicados em nosso site.

2.16. Adiantamentos e Taxa de Juros


  • Se você não puder ou não estiver disposto a estabelecer qualquer transação na Data do Valor ou na data em que exigiremos o estabelecimento, poderemos (mas sem a obrigaçãode fazê-lo) fazer um adiantamento sobre o valor necessário para o estabelecimento direto de qualquer transação, no todo ou em parte, e você se compromete a reembolsar o equivalente em dólar dos EUA (à taxa de câmbio ou taxas conforme estipularemos) mediante demanda com juros à taxa de 3% ao ano acima da taxa básica de empréstimo na República de Maurício por enquanto em vigor, calculada diariamente a partir da data de tal adiantamento até e inclusive a data do reembolso integral. Os juros à taxa acima serão cobrados pelos seguintes itens:
  • Qualquer parte do Depósito de Margem ou Depósito de Margem adicional não pago ou depositado na forma de dinheiro; e
  • Qualquer valor devido a nós que permaneça pendente.


Esta cláusula 2.16 não deve ser interpretada como obrigando-nos a fazer qualquer adiantamento a você, nem deve prejudicar quaisquer dos direitos e recursos que temos contra você ou qualquer outra pessoa sob este Contrato ou outra forma conferida pela lei aplicável.

2.17. Liquidação Forçada


Você é obrigado a manter um nível suficiente de Depósito de Margem. Nós nos reservamos o direito de fechar todas as posições abertas:

  • ise, a qualquer momento, o Depósito de Margem mantido por nós estiver se aproximando ou não for mais suficiente para cobrir a marca negativa para o valor de mercado de qualquer uma ou todas as posições em aberto que você tiver conosco;
  • ise, a qualquer momento, o limite de crédito pré-acordado atribuído a você não for mais suficiente para cobrir a marca negativa do valor de mercado de qualquer uma ou todas as posições abertas que você abriu conosco.


Teremos o direito, a nosso critério absoluto, de determinar a marcação a valor de mercado periodicamente. Além de outros recursos disponíveis, se você não pagar uma quantia no vencimento deste Contrato, temos o direito de encerrar (comprando ou vendendo) uma ou todas as suas posições abertas.


Não somos obrigados a entrar em contato com você antes de tomarmos as medidas relevantes sob a cláusula 2.17.1. Se, no entanto, o fizermos, a chamada de margem poderá ser feita por e- mail, através da plataforma de trading eletrônica, telefone, fax, post ou mensagem de texto. Considera-se que a chamada de margem foi recebida se deixamos uma mensagem solicitando que você entre em contato conosco ou se não conseguimos deixar uma mensagem, mas fizemos todos os esforços possíveis para fazê-lo.

2.18. Erro de cotação


Faremos todos os esforços possíveis para fornecer cotações atualizadas para todas as moedas, metais preciosos e outros instrumentos negociados em ou através de nossa Plataforma Online, no entanto, não garantimos que os preços cotados sejam precisos.


De acordo com a cláusula 2.31.1, se ocorrer um erro de cotação devido a um erro tipográfico ou outro erro óbvio em uma cotação ou indicação (o “Erro de Cotação”), não seremos responsáveis por quaisquer danos, reclamações, perdas, responsabilidades ou custos decorrentes do Erro de Cotação. Nós nos reservamos o direito de fazer os ajustes necessários para corrigir o Erro de Cotação e fechar qualquer posição aberta com base em um Erro de Cotação. Qualquer disputa decorrente de um Erro de Cotação será resolvida com base no valor justo de mercado, conforme determinado por nós agindo razoavelmente, da moeda relevante no momento em que ocorreu esse Erro de Cotação.

2.19. Limites de Crédito


Nós podemos, mas não temos obrigação de, conceder a você um limite de crédito em uma moeda acordada que pode ser compensada com uma marca negativa do valor de mercado em uma posição aberta ou um valor aplicável a perdas de trading não liquidadas em algumas ou todas as negociações (tanto individualmente como em agregadas ou ambas).


Se a marca negativa para o mercado de uma posição aberta estiver se aproximando ou exceder seu limite de crédito, nós nos reservamos o direito de exigir que você pague uma quantia além do Depósito de Margem, a nosso critério absoluto. Qualquer limite de crédito definido pode ser reduzido ou retirado a qualquer momento, mediante notificação por escrito.


Se agirmos de acordo com uma instrução que resultasse em um limite de crédito excedido:

  • não somos obrigados a aconselhá-lo sobre isso;
  • você será responsável por todos os valores devidos, incluindo aqueles acima de qualquer limite de crédito;
  • não somos obrigados a agir de acordo com instruções subsequentes em que um limite de crédito possa ser excedido.

2.20. Limites de autorização


Você pode nos notificar sobre um limite de autorização aplicável a algumas ou todas as negociações, em geral ou para Usuários Autorizados específicos. Você pode retirar esse limite de autorização a qualquer momento, notificando-nos por escrito. Podemos, a nosso critério absoluto, impor um limite de autorização a você e/ou a qualquer Usuário Autorizado ou alterar qualquer limite a qualquer momento, mediante notificação por escrito, de acordo com a cláusula 2.29.

2.21. Interesses e conflitos materiais


Como parte de uma organização internacional que fornece vários serviços a vários clientes, pode haver momentos em que haja um conflito entre nossos interesses ou o interesse de uma Empresa Associada e o serviço que devemos a você ou a qualquer outro cliente, ou um conflito entre os diferentes interesses de dois ou mais clientes a quem, em cada caso, devemos um serviço. De acordo com a legislação da República de Maurício, somos obrigados a adotar medidas com o objetivo de tomar todas as medidas razoáveis para gerenciar tais conflitos de interesse que constituam ou deem origem a um risco material de danos aos interesses de nossos clientes. Estabelecemos uma política abrangente de conflitos de interesse para identificar e gerenciar esses conflitos de interesse reais ou potenciais. Quando não considerarmos que os acordos sob nossa política de conflitos de interesses são suficientes para gerenciar um conflito em particular, iremos informá-lo da natureza e/ou origem do conflito. Nossa política completa de conflitos de interesses está disponível mediante solicitação.

2.22. Dinheiro do cliente


Todos os valores mantidos em sua conta serão recebidos e mantidos por nós como dinheiro do cliente e segregados (“Fundos Segregados”) por nós. A menos que você nos tenha notificado o contrário por escrito, podemos deter Fundos Segregados em uma conta segregada localizada fora da República de Maurício ou repassar dinheiro retido em seu nome a uma corretora intermediária, agente de liquidação ou contraparte localizado fora da República de Maurício. O regime legal e regulatório aplicável a qualquer pessoa pode ser diferente do da República de Maurício e, no caso de insolvência ou falha equivalente dessa pessoa, seu dinheiro pode ser tratado de maneira diferente do tratamento que seria aplicado se o dinheiro fosse mantido em uma conta segregada na República do Maurício.


Você concorda que, no caso de não haver movimento na sua conta por um período de pelo menos sete anos (apesar de quaisquer pagamentos ou recibos de cobranças, juros ou itens semelhantes) e/ou não conseguirmos rastreá-lo, apesar de ter tomado medidas razoáveis para fazer isso, poderemos liberar seu dinheiro da conta segregada e descartá-lo a nosso critério exclusivo.

2.23. Confidencialidade


Nós faremos o possível para garantir que todas as
informações confidenciais relacionadas a você e sua conta
sejam mantidas em sigilo. No entanto, você nos autoriza a
divulgar informações (confidenciais ou não):

  • aos nossos funcionários (ou funcionários de nossos agentes, nomeados ou custodiantes ou outras pessoas designadas por nós em conexão com a sua conta) com base na necessidade de conhecimento;
  • à FSC e a qualquer outra autoridade reguladora, na medida em que eles tenham direito às informações solicitadas;
  • caso contrário, conforme exigido por lei, melhores práticas de negócios de investimento, regulamentos do setor ou códigos de prática;
  • nas circunstâncias descritas na cláusula 2.24 abaixo.

2.24. Proteção de dados


Quando você fornece seus dados pessoais no Formulário de Solicitação de Abertura de Conta ou confirma que eles estão atualizados, precisos e completos.

Usaremos seus dados pessoais de acordo com a Lei de Proteção de Dados de 2004.


You Você concorda que podemos verificar suas informações pessoais com outras informações fornecidas ou mantidas por nós sobre você para verificar sua identidade e outras informações relacionadas a você e também poderemos realizar avaliações de crédito sobre você. Ao fazer isso, suas informações pessoais podem ser necessariamente divulgadas a terceiros.


Todas as informações pessoais sobre você, incluindo
informações pessoais sensíveis, que adquirimos podem ser
armazenadas (por meios eletrônicos e outros) e usadas por
nós das seguintes maneiras:

  • para nos permitir fornecer serviços a você;
  • para responder a pedidos de informações suas;
  • para entrar em contato com você depois de solicitar informações para ver se podemos fornecer mais assistência;
  • para fins estatísticos e para análise de mercado e produto;
  • para desenvolver e melhorar os produtos e serviços que fornecemos e/ou podemos fornecer a você (e/ou à sua organização);
  • para nossos próprios fins administrativos (incluindo, entre outros, a manutenção de nossos registros) e para fins de conformidade;
  • para a prevenção de fraudes ou outros crimes e sua detecção;
  • para impedir ou detectar abusos de nossos Serviços ou qualquer um de nossos direitos e fazer cumprir ou aplicar nossos termos e condições e/ou outros acordos ou proteger nossa propriedade ou direitos (ou de terceiros);
  • para entrar em contato com você (por exemplo, por telefone, fax, e-mail ou outros meios) para informá-lo sobre produtos ou serviços que acreditamos ser do seu interesse;
  • para permitir que nossas empresas associadas também entrem em contato com você (por exemplo, por telefone, fax, e-mail ou outros meios) para informá-lo sobre produtos ou serviços que eles acreditem que podem ser do seu interesse;
  • nós podemos, periodicamente, executar ou instruir outras
    pessoas a realizar certas verificações de lavagem de dinheiro impostas a nós por lei, necessárias para a prevenção e detecção de crimes, lavagem de dinheiro e, em particular, financiamento internacional do terrorismo. Podemos usar a equipe empregada pelas Empresas Associadas, neste país ou no exterior ou, se apropriado, contrataremos profissionais especializados para realizar esse trabalho, aqui ou no exterior. De qualquer forma, qualquer equipe envolvida nessas verificações será especialmente treinada e não compartilhará informações sobre você com terceiros, a menos que
  • seja permitido por lei fazê-lo. Essa equipe deve sempre agir de acordo com nossas instruções e essas verificações serão realizadas em um ambiente seguro. Você concordacom o compartilhamento de suas informações pessoais dessa maneira para esses fins. Observe que podemos usar serviços de verificação eletrônica para fins de identificação.


Exceto quando indicado acima, não forneceremos suas informações pessoais a organizações fora de nossas Empresas Associadas para usá-las para seus próprios fins de marketing sem o seu consentimento, mas poderemos divulgar suas informações pessoais fora de nossa organização:

  • para outras organizações que possamos contratar para executar ou ajudar na execução de nossos Serviços ou para nos aconselhar, desde que elas tenham apenas acesso às suas informações pessoais para executar essa assistência, serviços ou consultoria e não para outros fins.
  • Nós nos esforçaremos para garantir que qualquer organização se comprometa a adotar medidas de segurança apropriadas em relação aos seus dados pessoais e de terceiros; nas circunstâncias em que possamos ser obrigados ou autorizados por lei, ordem judicial, autoridades reguladoras ou governamentais a divulgar suas informações pessoais.


Às vezes, podemos transferir suas informações pessoais para países que não oferecem o mesmo nível de proteção de dados que a República de Maurício. Se pretendermos fazer isso, quando for prático e apropriado, antes de fazê-lo, estabeleceremos acordos contratuais para garantir a proteção adequada de suas informações e nos esforçaremos para garantir que esses acordos contratuais cumpram os padrões exigidos pela Autoridade de Proteção de Dados da República de Maurício.


Temos procedimentos de segurança que cobrem o armazenamento e a divulgação de suas informações pessoais para impedir o acesso não autorizado e cumprir nossas obrigações legais.


Você tem o direito de pedir detalhes das informações pessoais que mantemos sobre você, os propósitos para os quais elas estão sendo ou serão processadas e os destinatários ou classes de destinatários a quem elas estão sendo ou serão divulgadas. Se você deseja solicitar cópias dessas informações, entre em contato conosco. Podemos cobrar uma taxa pelo fornecimento dessas informações a você (cujos detalhes estão disponíveis mediante solicitação). Se você nos solicitar por escrito, também corrigiremos, excluiremos e/ou bloquearemos as informações pessoais de processamento adicional, se essas informações forem imprecisas.

2.25. Cookies


Os cookies são pequenas partes de informações enviadas por um navegador da Web para que possam ser lidas posteriormente a partir desse navegador. Os cookies podem ser usados em algumas páginas da nossa plataforma e site online para fornecer aos usuários uma experiência de navegação mais personalizada. Os cookies não são usados para determinar a identidade pessoal de quem apenas visita nosso site.


Você pode escolher se e como um cookie será aceito, alterando suas preferências e opções no seu navegador. No entanto, talvez você não consiga acessar algumas partes do site e da Plataforma Online se optar por desativar a aceitação de cookies. Portanto, recomendamos que você permita que a aceitação de cookies se beneficie de todos os serviços em nosso site e na Plataforma Online.

2.26. Propriedade Intelectual


Você concorda que somos o único proprietário (exceto na medida de propriedade de quaisquer licenciadores terceirizados e exceto na medida em que seja licenciada por qualquer uma de nossas empresas associadas) de todos os direitos, títulos e interesses na Plataforma Online e quaisquer informações ou dados gerados pela Plataforma Online.


Em nenhum momento você deve assumir compromissos por nós ou em nosso nome ou usar nossa propriedade intelectual para qualquer finalidade. Você não usará nosso nome ou propriedade intelectual sem a nossa aprovação prévia por escrito, nem se representará como afiliado ou autorizado a agir por nós.

2.27. Reclamações e disputas

Se você tiver uma reclamação em relação aos nossos Serviços, poderá, em primeira instância, escrever ao nosso Diretor de Compliance. Detalhes de nossa política interna de reclamações estão disponíveis mediante solicitação. Se você estiver insatisfeito com o resultado do nosso procedimento de reclamações, poderá reclamar diretamente à Comissão de Serviços Financeiros. A Comissão de Serviços Financeiros pode ser contatada pelo telefone 403 7000 ou você pode encontrar mais detalhes no site

2.28. Compensação


Atualmente, não existe um esquema legal de compensação em vigor se não conseguirmos cumprir nossos passivos em relação aos negócios de investimento.

2.29. Comunicação entre nós

2.29.1. Comunicação conosco por correio

A menos que o aconselhemos em contrário, nosso endereço para comunicação por escrito é Hantec Markets Limited, Suite 208, 2nd Floor, The Catalyst, Silicon Avenue, 40 Cybercity, 72201 Ebene, República de Maurício.


Comunicação conosco durante uma reunião em pessoa ou por fax ou telefone Nós (sujeito à cláusula 2.10) agiremos de acordo com as instruções recebidas durante uma reunião em pessoa, por telefone ou fax, mas não podemos aceitar qualquer responsabilidade por qualquer inconsistência entre instruções dadas pessoalmente, por telefone ou fax e qualquer confirmação subsequente por escrito.

2.29.3. Comunicações por e-mail

Você concorda que podemos nos comunicar com você por e-maile (sujeito à cláusula 2.10) agir de acordo com as instruçõesrecebidas por e-mail. Você reconhece e aceita os riscos inerentesao e-mail, principalmente por sua interceptação não autorizada epor não atingir o destinatário pretendido. Por favor, avise-nos porescrito se você não concordar com o uso de e-mail como um meiode comunicação em relação a este Contrato e seu assunto.

2.29.4. Comunicação conosco pelo seu terceiro nomeado Se você nos autorizar a aceitar as instruções de um terceiro nomeado, faremos isso até recebermos uma notificação sua dizendo o contrário. As mesmas regras se aplicam às instruções dadas pessoalmente, escritas, por telefone, enviadas por fax ou e-mail recebidas de terceiros, assim como nas instruções recebidas de você, e você deve garantir que o terceiro nomeado cumpra essas regras.

2.29.5. Comunicações nossas para você

Nós escreveremos, enviaremos por fax, telefone ou e-mail a você e/ou, conforme o caso, a terceiros autorizados por você, no(s) endereço(s) e outros dados de contato, conforme estabelecido no Formulário de Solicitação de Abertura de Conta ou em qualquer outro endereço(s) e outros dados de contato que você nos notifica por escrito. Para nos ajudar a gerenciar e administrar sua conta adequadamente, nossos representantes ou funcionários podem ocasionalmente ligar para você ou visitá-lo sem informar isso primeiro.

2.29.6. Instruções aparentes

Desde que ajamos de maneira sensata, você nos autoriza a confiar nas instruções por qualquer meio transmitido que pareça ou pretenda ser enviado por você ou por um terceiro autorizado por você.

2.29.7. Recebimento de instruções e avisos

Se uma instrução ou notificação sua for recebida fora do horário comercial (ou seja, das 9h às 17h de segunda a sextafeira em um dia que não seja feriado na República de Maurício), considera-se que a instrução ou notificação foi recebida por nós em no dia útil seguinte ao recebimento. Qualquer aviso publicado em nosso site será considerado como entregue 3 dias após a publicação do aviso.

2.30. Seus compromissos

2.30.1. Autoridade

Você se compromete a ter total poder e autoridade para celebrar e instruir-nos sobre os termos deste Contrato.

2.30.2. Informação

Você se compromete:

  • a que todas as informações que você nos forneceu no Formulário de Solicitação de Abertura de Conta, durante reuniões conosco ou de outra forma sejam completas e precisas;
  • a notificar-nos imediatamente de qualquer alteração nas informações fornecidas por você no Formulário de Solicitação de Abertura de Conta ou de outra forma;
  • nos fornecer todas as informações, documentação ou cópia de documentação necessária, a fim de nos permitir executar nossos procedimentos de abertura de conta e realizar um monitoramento contínuo seu;
  • nos fornecer qualquer informação adicional que possa ser razoavelmente requerida por nós para que possamos cumprir nossas obrigações legais, regulamentares e contratuais em conexão com ou relacionadas a este Contrato;

2.30.3. Seus investimentos

Você se compromete a que:

  • (a menos que seja acordado de outra forma conosco), os investimentos e o dinheiro em sua conta são de sua propriedade e permanecem e permanecerão, pelo prazo deste Contrato, livres de todos os ônus, taxas e quaisquer outros encargos; enquanto este Contrato continuar, você não, exceto através de nós, negociará ou autorizará qualquer outra pessoa a negociar os investimentos em sua conta;
  • enquanto este Contrato continuar, você não irá, direta ou indiretamente, nos responsabilizar por qualquer responsabilidade que não seja antecipada pelos termos expressos deste Contrato.

2.30.4. Documentos

Você compromete-se a assinar e/
ou produzir, no momento em que solicitarmos, quaisquer
documentos necessários para que possamos cumprir nossas
obrigações nos termos deste Contrato.

2.30.5. Indenização
Você nos indeniza por nossa demanda por escrito contra todos os procedimentos, ações, custos e despesas, reclamações, demandas e/ou outras responsabilidades incorridas por nós, nossos agentes ou qualquer candidato ou custodiante, como consequência de:

  • a aceitação de instruções suas ou de qualquer Usuário Autorizado por telefone, fax ou e-mail, ou através da Plataforma Online;
  • qualquer violação por você ou qualquer Usuário Autorizado de qualquer um dos termos deste Contrato.

2.30.6. Essa indenização não se aplicará à extensão de qualquer responsabilidade causada por uma violação deste Contrato por nós ou por negligência grave, fraude ou inadimplência intencional de nós, nossos agentes, um candidato ou custodiante.

2.31. TA extensão de nossa responsabilidade por nossas ações e as ações de outras pessoas 2.31.1. Nossa responsabilidade


We Cumpriremos nossos deveres com habilidade, cuidado e diligência razoáveis e de acordo com as instruções e autoridade que você nos deu. Enquanto fizermos isso, não podemos e não aceitamos qualquer responsabilidade por perda (ou perda de uma oportunidade de ganho) decorrente da prestação de nossos Serviços por e em seu nome. Em nenhuma circunstância, seremos responsáveis por qualquer perda direta, indireta ou consequente incorrida como resultado de um atraso nos fundos que chegam até você.

2.31.2. Nós aceitamos a responsabilidade pelo(s) nosso(s) representantes(s)

Nós aceitamos a responsabilidade pelos atos ou omissões em relação a este Contrato de qualquer empresa nomeada controlada por nós ou controlada por uma de nossas Empresas Associadas.

    2.31.3. Custodiantes/agentes (que não sejam nossos próprios nomeados)

    Teremos um cuidado razoável em nossa escolha de indicados, custodiantes ou agentes e monitoraremos sua adequação contínua. Contanto que façamos isso (e desde que as perdas não surjam diretamente de nossa negligência grave, fraude ou inadimplência intencional), não podemos e não aceitamos responsabilidade por perdas decorrentes da negligência de um representante (que não seja nosso próprio representante), um custodiante ou agente, independentemente de a perda resultar de perdas de fundos, investimentos, documentos de titularidade ou outros.

    2.31.4. Eventos fora do nosso controle razoável

    Nós não podemos e não aceitamos a responsabilidade pelas perdas sofridas como resultado de nosso (ou nossos agentes, nomeados, custodiantes ou outros por nós nomeados) não cumprirem estes termos (ou termos ou questões contidos no Formulário de Solicitação de Abertura de Conta) como resultado de circunstâncias fora do nosso ou do seu controle razoável. Essas circunstâncias incluem, entre outras, interrupção do fornecimento de energia, equipamentos eletrônicos ou falha do fornecedor. Nem objetivos nem restrições serão considerados violados como resultado de alterações no valor dos investimentos causados por movimentos no mercado.

    2.31.5. Perturbação do mercado

    Podemos enviar um aviso (um “Aviso de Perturbação”) a qualquer momento, se entendermos que as condições de mercado ou de negociação no mercado relevante para a moeda, metal precioso ou outro instrumento em questão estão seriamente alterados. Isso inclui circunstâncias em que, em nossa opinião, depósitos em moeda, metais preciosos ou instrumento em questão não estão disponíveis para nós no curso normal dos negócios no mercado relevante ou devido a circunstâncias financeiras, políticas ou econômicas ou controles de câmbio nacionais ou internacionais, é impraticável. Quando um Aviso de Perturbação é dado, nossas obrigações serão suspensas enquanto negociamos acordos alternativos com você. Se chegarmos a um acordo antes da Data do Valor, essas disposições alternativas serão aplicadas. Se não chegarmos a um acordo dentro desse período, cada um de nós será liberado de nossas obrigações decorrentes da transação relevante.

    2.31.6. Liquidez durante eventos de perturbação do mercado ou eventos fora do nosso controle

    Para protegê-lo e agir em seu melhor interesse no caso de condições excepcionais de mercado que estejam fora do nosso controle e incluam, mas não se limitem a, extrema volatilidade, redução significativa ou uma interrupção temporária ou permanente da liquidez em um mercado subjacente ou onde os preços podem ser instáveis, nós, a nosso critério, e com efeito imediato podemos suspender a precificação de um instrumento, colocar um mercado em fechamento ou tomar qualquer outra açãoque considerarmos razoável.


    Preservação de direitos nos Serviços Financeiros Lei de 2007 e sistema regulatório Nada neste Contrato tem o objetivo de ter, ou tem, o efeito de excluir ou restringir nossos deveres ou responsabilidades perante você sob a Lei de Serviços Financeiros de 2007, a Lei de Valores Mobiliários de 2005 ou o sistema regulatório.

    2.31.8. Status da agência

    Em qualquer circunstância em que agimos como seu agente, você ficará vinculado por nossas ações. Essas circunstâncias podem incluir, mas não se limitar a, lidar com terceiros em seu nome ou providenciar que terceiros recebam ou retenham seu dinheiro. No entanto, nenhum dos Serviços dará origem a quaisquer obrigações fiduciárias ou equitativas que nos impeçam ou nos dificultem ou qualquer Empresa Associada em transações com ou para você, incluindo negociações do programa, atuando como formador de mercado e corretora ou atuando como agente na negociação com outros associados ou clientes e obtendo lucro com essa atividade.

    2.32. Delegação e uso de associados Companhias / agentes

    2.32.1. Podemos delegar qualquer uma de nossas responsabilidades sob este Contrato a terceiros.

    2.33. Taxas


    Você concorda em nos pagar as taxas por nossos Serviços, conforme lhe for notificado através da Plataforma Online. Nosso site e outras notificações para você definem:

    • a base de cálculo de nossas taxas;
    • com que frequência elas devem ser pagas;
    • (quando relevante) se qualquer outro pagamento deve ser recebido por nós (ou que seja do nosso conhecimento por uma Empresa Associada) em conexão com transações que realizamos com ou para você, além de, ou substituindo, nossas taxas.

    2.33.2. Despesas

    Você concorda em nos reembolsar todos os custos e despesas que incorremos na execução de nossos Serviços. Os custos incluirão, mas não se limitarão a:

    • quaisquer custos e despesas mencionados no Formulário de Solicitação de Abertura de Conta e/ou de outra forma notificado a você
    • custos de transação;
    • comissões, taxas de transferência, taxas de registro, impostos e responsabilidades e custos similares.

    Nós reteremos uma garantia e um direito real de garantia sobre quaisquer ativos em sua conta, na medida em que quaisquer cobranças, custos, perdas ou reivindicações pelas quais você nos seja responsável permaneçam não pagos. Nós o notificaremos de qualquer disposição de quaisquer ativos seus que possamos estar detendo de acordo com os direitos sob uma garantia ou direito real de garantia. Essa disposição ocorrerá se você não efetuar os pagamentos a nós até o vencimento. A garantia ou direito de garantia será aplicada em relação a cada ativo ou tipo de ativo ou classe de ativo compreendido em sua conta de tempos em tempos, na extensão de seu endividamento para conosco.

    No caso de inadimplência ou atraso no pagamento de qualquer quantia que nos seja devida, reservamo-nos o direito de cobrar juros a uma taxa que não exceda o custo efetivo para obtermos empréstimos nos Mercados monetários relevantes, uma quantia igual aos valores devidos ou outra taxa que podemos ter notificado você.

    2.33.3. Modificações nas cobranças

    Nossas cobranças podem ser alteradas periodicamente. Permitiremos que você tenha um aviso por escrito, com 30 dias corridos de quaisquer alterações em nossas cobranças antes de implementá-las.

    2.33.4. Pagamento de taxas e despesas

    Você nos autoriza a deduzir as cobranças e despesas devidas em relação à prestação de nossos Serviços sob este Contrato e todas as cobranças e despesas relacionadas da sua conta nos horários e com a frequência que lhe foram notificados.
    Se houver saldo insuficiente na conta, você nos autoriza a liquidar posições ou vender quaisquer ativos que possamos estar mantendo na medida necessária para cobrir as taxas e despesas acumuladas. Se não pudermos cobrar taxas e despesas dessa maneira, enviaremos uma fatura a você e a fatura será paga no recebimento.

    2.33.5. Taxas de contas inativas

    Se não houver atividade há mais de seis meses em qualquer conta em seu nome, ela será classificada como inativa e poderá ser cobrada a taxa de conta inativa. A taxa será cobrada a cada seis meses após esse período, se continuar não havendo atividade na(s) conta(s). Para evitar ser cobrada uma taxa de conta inativa, você deve ter executado pelo menos uma negociação em sua(s) conta(s) em qualquer momento em um período de 6 meses. Se você tiver negociações não realizadas que permanecerem em aberto por mais de um período de seis meses, mas não tiver executado mais negociações, sua conta não será considerada inativa. Se o saldo da sua conta for zero ou a taxa da conta inativa reduzirá o saldo da sua conta a zero ou negativo, a Hantec Markets Limited cobrará a parte da taxa que levar o saldo da conta a zero e depois a fechará conforme a cláusula Nós nos reservamo o direito de alterar essa taxa a qualquer momento e podemos informá-lo por e-mail, por meio da plataforma de trading eletrônica, telefone, fax, post, mensagem de texto ou publicação da alteração em nosso site.

    2.34. Encerrando o Contrato

    2.34.1. Aviso de término

    Você pode encerrar este Contrato enviando-nos um aviso por escrito a qualquer momento – este Contrato será encerrado quando recebermos o seu aviso (ou em uma data posterior especificada por você nesse aviso).

    Nós podemos encerrar este Contrato mediante notificação por escrito a qualquer momento – este Contrato será encerrado quando você receber nossa notificação (ou em uma data posterior especificada por nós em tal notificação).

    Também podemos rescindir este Contrato com efeito imediato, mediante notificação por escrito, se você violar algum dos termos do Contrato ou for necessário fazê-lo por razões regulamentares ou operacionais.

    2.34.2. Transações em andamento

    Quando este Contrato terminar, as transações já iniciadas com as quais nós ou nossos agentes estão comprometidos serão concluídas:

    2.34.3. Consequências do término

    Quando este Contrato terminar, liquidaremos ou fecharemos
    todas as posições em aberto e poderemos cobrar você por:

    • taxas periódicas acumuladas até a data do término, que se tornarão imediatamente vencidas e a pagar;
    • quaisquer despesas adicionais em que nós ou nossos agentes incorremos necessariamente na rescisão deste Contrato;
    • quaisquer perdas necessariamente realizadas por nós na liquidação ou celebração de obrigações pendentes.

    Dentro de dois dias após o término deste Contrato, você retornará ou destruirá todas as senhas e informações de login recebidas de acordo com nossas instruções por escrito.

    O término deste Contrato não prejudica os direitos e responsabilidades acumulados das partes, exceto no caso de rescisão prevista na cláusula que nos isentará de quaisquer obrigações estabelecidas neste Contrato ou decorrentes de transações contempladas por este Contrato, incluindo quaisquer obrigações decorrentes de qualquer transação já iniciada conosco.

    As cláusulas 2.30.5, 2.31.1 e 2.35.10 sobreviverão à rescisão deste Contrato

    2.34.4. Investimentos
    Quando este Contrato terminar, responderemos prontamente a você por quaisquer ativos que possamos estar mantendo por você. No entanto, manteremos uma garantia e um direito real de garantia sobre quaisquer ativos em sua conta, na medida em que quaisquer cobranças, custos, perdas ou reivindicações pelas quais você nos seja responsável permaneçam não pagos.

    2.35. Geral
    2.35.1. Alterações
    Você deve nos notificar por escrito sobre quaisquer alterações propostas a este Contrato que entrarão em vigor somente quando aceitas por nós por escrito.

    Podemos alterar este Contrato a qualquer momento. As alterações propostas por nós entrarão em vigor na data que lhe for notificada, que será uma data não inferior a 10 dias úteis após a data de emissão do nosso aviso, a menos que circunstâncias (como requisitos legais ou regulamentares) determinem um período mais curto

    2.35.2. Tempo essencial
    O tempo será essencial em relação a todas as suas obrigações sob este Contrato (incluindo qualquer transação).

    2.35.3. Atribuição / transferência
    Este Contrato é pessoal para você e você não pode atribuir ou transferir quaisquer de seus direitos ou responsabilidades contidos nele sem o nosso consentimento prévio por escrito. Podemos atribuir ou transferir nossos direitos e responsabilidades contidos neste Contrato a uma Empresa Associada mediante notificação por escrito. Podemos atribuir ou transferir nossos direitos e responsabilidades contidos neste Contrato a terceiros, mas notificaremos você com 30 dias de antecedência por escrito, se pretendermos fazê-lo.

    2.35.4. Direitos e recursos

    Os direitos e recursos fornecidos neste Contrato são cumulativos e não exclusivos de quaisquer direitos ou recursos previstos por lei.

    Nem a falha nem o atraso de nossa parte no exercício de qualquer direito ou recurso nos termos deste Contrato funcionarão como uma isenção nem qualquer exercício único ou parcial de qualquer direito ou recurso nos impedirá de qualquer outra isenção ou qualquer outro direito ou recurso


    2.35.5. Rescisão

    Se algum tribunal ou autoridade competente considerar que qualquer provisão deste Contrato (ou parte de qualquer provisão) é inválida, ilegal ou inexequível, essa provisão ou parte da provisão será, na medida do necessário, considerada a ser excluída e a validade e aplicabilidade das demais disposições deste Contrato não será afetada.

    Se qualquer disposição inválida, inexequível ou ilegal deste Contrato for válida, executória e legal se parte dele for excluída, a disposição será aplicada com a modificação mínima necessária para torná-la legal, válida e aplicável.


    2.35.6. Nenhum direito de terceiros referente ao artigo 1165, e não obstante o artigo 1121, do Código Civil, uma pessoa que não seja parte deste Contrato não terá o direito de fazer cumprir seus termos.

    2.35.7. Idioma

    Este Contrato é fornecido em inglês e todas as comunicações nossas para você pelo período de duração deste Contrato devem ser em inglês.

    2.35.8. Chamadas telefônicas As chamadas telefônicas entre nós podem ser gravadas para manter a qualidade do serviço que oferecemos para você. Todas as gravações serão e permanecerão exclusivamente de nossa propriedade e serão aceitas por você como evidência conclusiva das instruções ou conversas gravadas. Você concorda que podemos entregar cópias de transcrições dessas gravações a qualquer tribunal, autoridade reguladora ou governamental.

    2.35.9. Cooperação em procedimentos

    Se qualquer ação ou procedimento for iniciado por ou contra nós em relação a este Contrato ou decorrente de qualquer ato ou omissão exigida ou permitida por este Contrato, você concorda em cooperar conosco o máximo possível na defesa ou ação judicial de tal ação ou processo.

    2.35.10. Lei aplicável

    Este Contrato é regido e deve ser interpretado de acordo com as leis da República da Maurício e estará sujeito à jurisdição não exclusiva dos tribunais da República de Maurício.

    3. Disposições relevantes para tipos particulares de cliente

    3.1. Indivíduos que se candidatam em conjunto

    Se você é um indivíduo que candidata em conjunto, os seguintes termos adicionais se aplicam:

    3.1.1. Aceitação de Instruções

    Nós aceitaremos instruções de qualquer titular de uma conta, a menos que você nos notifique de outra forma.

    3.1.2. Morte durante a vigência do Contrato

    Com a morte de qualquer um de vocês, este Contrato não será rescindido e trataremos o(s) sobrevivente(s) como a única pessoa(s) autorizada(s) ou interessada(s) na conta. Se todos vocês morrerem durante a vigência deste Contrato, continuaremos mantendo a conta de acordo com o mandato de investimento especificado até que seja instruído de outra forma pelo executor(es) devidamente nomeado pelo último de vocês a morrer.

    3.1.3. Responsabilidade conjunta e solidária

    Cada um de vocês aceita responsabilidade solidária pelas obrigações aceitas por você sob este Contrato.


    3.2. Parcerias

    Se você é uma parceria não incorporada, os seguintes termos adicionais se aplicam:

    3.2.1. na composição de parcerias não incorporadas

    Este Contrato continuará em pleno vigor e efeito, independentemente de qualquer alteração na composição de uma parceria não incorporada, seja por morte, aposentadoria ou adição de parceiros à parceria ou de outra forma.

    3.2.2. Responsabilidade conjunta e solidária

    Se você é um parceiro de uma parceria não incorporada, cada um de vocês aceita responsabilidade solidária pelas obrigações aceitas por você sob este Contrato.

    3.3. Fiduciário

    Se você é um fiduciário, os seguintes termos adicionais se aplicam:

    3.3.1. Mudanças nos fiduciários durante a vigência do Contrato

    A nosso critério, este Contrato continuará em pleno vigor e efeito, independentemente de qualquer alteração na composição dos fiduciários, seja por morte, aposentadoria ou adição de fiduciários ou de outra forma.

    3.3.2. Responsabilidade conjunta e solidária

    Cada agente fiduciário aceita a responsabilidade solidária pelas obrigações aceitas por você sob este Contrato. Exceto em relação à responsabilidade decorrente direta ou indiretamente de negligência grave, fraude ou inadimplência intencional, as responsabilidades dos fiduciários nos termos deste Contrato devem se limitar aos ativos do fiduciário periodicamente.

    3.4. Associações não incorporadas

    Se você é membro de uma associação não incorporada, osseguintes termos adicionais se aplicam:

    3.4.1. Alterações na sociedade durante a vigência deste Contrato A nosso critério, este Contrato continuará em pleno vigor e efeito, independentemente de qualquer alteração na composição da sociedade, seja por morte, aposentadoria ou adição de membros ou de outra forma.

    3.4.2. Responsabilidade conjunta e solidária

    Cada um de vocês aceita responsabilidade solidária pelas obrigações aceitas por você sob este Contrato.

    4. Avisos de Risco

    Você deve considerar os seguintes riscos antes de negociar por meio de nossos Serviços.

    O trading de moeda, metais preciosos e CFDs, principalmente no trading com margem, envolve o potencial de lucro, bem como o risco de perda que pode exceder amplamente a quantidade de dinheiro comprometida em qualquer negociação ou transação.

    Você pode ser solicitado a depositar margem adicional substancial, com pouca antecedência, para manter suas posições. Se você não fornecer fundos para manter suas posições, eles poderão ser fechados sem mais referências a você.

    Não podemos garantir uma perda máxima que você possa sofrer.

    O movimento no preço das moedas, das taxas de metais preciosos e dos CFDs é influenciado por uma variedade de fatores de origem global, muitos dos quais são imprevisíveis. Além disso, os governos intervêm de tempos em tempos, diretamente e por regulamentação, em certos mercados, particularmente mercados de moedas e contratos e derivativos relacionados a taxas de juros. Essa intervenção geralmente visa influenciar os preços e pode, juntamente com outros fatores, fazer com que todos esses mercados se movam rapidamente na mesma direção devido a, entre outras coisas, flutuações nas taxas de juros.

    Movimentos violentos no preço das moedas, das taxas de metais preciosos e dos CFDs podem resultar em ação do mercado, portanto você pode não conseguir realizar negociações adversas.

    Certas estratégias de investimento ou técnicas de hedge, incluindo aquelas que envolvem posições de “spread” ou “straddles”, podem ser tão arriscadas quanto assumir posições simples “longas” ou “curtas”.

    Embora os instrumentos financeiros possam ser utilizados para o gerenciamento do risco de investimento, alguns desses produtos não são adequados para muitos investidores. Instrumentos diferentes envolvem níveis diferentes de exposição ao risco e, ao decidir se negocia com tais instrumentos, você deve estar ciente dos problemas informados neste aviso de risco. No entanto, esse aviso de risco não pode divulgar todos os riscos e outros aspectos significativos desses instrumentos. Você não deve negociar com CFDs, moedas ou instrumentos de metais preciosos, a menos que compreenda a natureza e a extensão total de sua exposição a riscos e perdas.

    Portanto, você deve considerar cuidadosamente se essa negociação é adequada à luz de sua própria posição financeira e objetivos de investimento.

    Se houver algo que você não entenda, é recomendável que procure aconselhamento apropriado de uma pessoa adequadamente qualificada (como advogado, contador ou consultor financeiro).


    Updated on 1st June, 2020.


    This document is important and contains the terms on which we provide our online foreign exchange, bullion, contracts for difference (“CFD”) trading (the “Services”) to you.

    Due to regulatory restrictions, Hantec Markets Limited cannot open accounts for retail customers with residence in the United States, Belgium, Macedonia and Israel.

    A United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel resident means any of the following: any natural person resident of the United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel; any company, partnership, or other legal entity created or organised under the laws of any jurisdiction of the United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel; a branch or agency of a foreign entity located in the United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel; a trust of which the trustee is a United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel resident; an estate of which a United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel resident is the executor or administrator; or any account held for the benefit of a United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel resident.

    Before you begin to trade with us, you should read this Agreement carefully in addition to Execution Policy, Conflicts Policy, Risk Disclosure and Privacy Notice. Please ensure you read any additional new policies, or updates to existing policies which you will be notified of by us.

    It is essential that you read and understand these terms and we will ensure that you have a proper opportunity to do so by not allowing you to trade until you have confirmed to us that you have read these terms. If you have any questions please let us know.

    Hantec Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA Firm Reference No. 502635).

    1. The Agreement Between Us

    1.1 The agreement between us (this “Agreement”) comprises:

    • these terms and conditions; and
    • the terms and matters set out in the Account Opening Application Form and any sub mandates;


    This Agreement represents all the terms agreed between us regarding the Services unless we have agreed in writing to supplement or vary this Agreement.


    Unless otherwise agreed with you in writing, we are treating you as a retail client for the purposes of the rules of the Financial Conduct Authority (the “FCA”). You agree that you are responsible for keeping us informed about any change to your circumstances as this could affect our categorisation of you.


    The main account and any sub-accounts, including funds held in a wallet and accounts held in joint ownership constitute a single contractual agreement and are treated as one account for the purpose of realized client balances. This means that all account opening conditions, agreements and provisions between us with regards to the main account are equally valid and applicable to all accounts held by you individually and jointly, and any realized negative balances may be netted against other accounts held in your name. Any account unrealized balances, positions, or margin requirements will not be netted against each other unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties.

    1.2. Effective Date


    This Agreement shall come into force on the earlier of the date you complete and sign the Account Opening Application Form and the date you begin to use the Services (being a day we are open for business or the next business day if we are not, a “Business Day”). Our obligations under this Agreement in relation to our Services shall become effective on the Business Day we confirm your account has been approved for funding.

    1.3. Cancellation Rights


    You have a right to cancel this Agreement within 14 days of the Business Day we receive the completed Account Opening Application Form from you. If you would like to cancel this Agreement please let your contact at Hantec Markets know or write to us at Hantec House, 12-14 Wilfred Street, London SW1E 6PL or email us on [email protected].


    If you do not exercise this right to cancel within the requisite time period, you will still be entitled to exercise your right under Term 29.1.1 of Section 2 of the Agreement to terminate the Agreement.


    You must note that the right to cancel and the right to terminate under the Agreement only relate to cancelling or terminating the Agreement. Cancellation or termination will not affect the completion of transactions initiated prior to us receiving your notice of cancellation or termination. Cancellation or termination will not affect your or our accrued rights, indemnities, existing commitments or any other contractual provision intended to survive termination of this Agreement.


    No penalty will apply on cancellation, however, you will pay our fees on a pro-rata basis to the date of cancellation and any additional expenses necessarily incurred by us (or a third party) in cancelling this Agreement and any losses necessarily realised in settling or concluding outstanding transactions and transferring your funds back to you.


    You should note that we will provide the Services to you until we receive notice of cancellation pursuant to your cancellation right and if you do cancel the amount you receive back may be less than your initial investment due to fluctuating market values, payment of any fees due to us, costs we incur and any costs incurred by us due to circumstances outside our control.

    2. Terms and Conditions that apply to the Services

    2.1. Hantec Markets Limited

    Hantec Markets Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority of 12 Endeavour Square, London E20 1JN. We are entered on the FCA Register and our firm reference number is 502635. Our authorisation includes the provision of arranging deals in investments and non-advised dealing services and such services comprise our main business activities.

    Our principal place of business is Hantec House, 12-14 Wilfred Street, London SW1E 6PL (we will notify you of any change to our principal place of business) our telephone number is 020 7036 0888 and our email address is [email protected].

    2.2. Non-advised dealing services


    We offer “non-advised dealing services” which means allowing you access to speculate on the financial markets using our Online Platform. You agree to use our services as a derivative or leveraged product.


    Any instructions you give us in relation to non-advised dealing services must be given by you through our online foreign exchange, bullion and CFD transaction systems (the “Online Platform”) unless we agree otherwise.


    We will provide you with prices at which the relevant currency, bullion or CFD can be purchased or sold either verbally or via the Online Platform.

    2.3. Appropriateness


    For certain types of investment (considered by the FCA to be complex investments), when we receive instructions to deal on a non-advised basis we are required under the FCA rules to assess the appropriateness of such services for you by reference to your knowledge, experience and understanding of the risks involved. Should we not have sufficient information to make this assessment or we consider that (with regard to the information we hold about you) services are not appropriate for you, we shall warn you of this and you may not be allowed to proceed with services.

    2.4. Confirmations


    When we deal for you on a non-advised basis we will provide you with a notice in electronic form confirming the execution of your order and providing you with details of the transaction (such as the price and any rate of exchange used fora currency conversion). You should check the confirmation carefully and let us know immediately of any errors. Unless you let us know within 24 hours that there is an error in the confirmation we send you it will be deemed to be binding on you (in the absence of manifest error).

    2.5. Best execution


    When we execute an order on your behalf the FCA rules require us to take all sufficient steps to obtain the best possible result for you, taking into account a number of relevant factors. In order to comply with our obligations in relation to best execution we have in place an order execution policy which is available on our website. Our order execution policy is reviewed periodically and also whenever a material change occurs that affects our ability to continue to provide best execution. By entering into this Agreement you confirm that you agree to this policy.

    We may amend our Order Execution Policy from time to time and may notify you of any material amendments by giving written notice.


    Please note that specific instructions from you in relation to the execution of orders may prevent us from following our order execution policy in respect of the elements of execution covered by the specific instruction.


    When we enter into transactions on your behalf denominated in a foreign currency other than the base currency of your account (as such base currency is provided for in the Account Opening Application Form) we may carry out any necessary foreign exchange transactions (together with any hedging transactions on a transaction by transaction basis) on the settlement date for the transaction rather than the trade date at our then prevailing rates of exchange.


    Payments into your account may, where necessary, be converted into the base currency of your account.

    2.6. Capacity


    Unless we agree otherwise at the time of dealing, we will be the counterparty to all your transactions and act as a principal and not as agent on your behalf. Unless we agree otherwise, we will treat you alone as our client for all purposes and you shall be directly and fully responsible for performing the obligations under each transaction we enter in with you or on your behalf. We do not have nor do we seek to have any relationship with any third party on whose behalf it may be claimed you are acting.

    2.7. Use of our Online Platform


    You will be able to enter orders at the exchange rates and prices displayed on the Online Platform.


    The ownership of materials and text contained on our website, accessed from it, or otherwise distributed to you by us, is confidential and protected by copyright. You agree that this material and text is for your own personal use and that you will not disclose it to anyone else. All electronic communications between parties in the course of business may be recorded and monitored by us in accordance with relevant law and for the purposes set out in the Privacy Notice.


    We will notify you of your Online Platform account password by phone, letter or email. Your personal information will be requested as a means to verify your identity before the password is released over the telephone. Your password is strictly confidential and you agree to take full responsibility for all transactions, loss, costs and expenses, should any transaction be accepted and concluded by us after the password has been provided to you.


    You agree that by using the Online Platform you have given your prior express consent to receive and transmit instructions for execution outside a regulated market or multilateral trading facility.


    You will provide us with a list of people authorised to access the Online Platform on your behalf (each an “Authorised User”). You shall notify us immediately when any new person becomes an Authorised User or when any existing Authorised User is no longer entitled to be an Authorised User. Upon receipt of such notice, the change in Authorised User is effective immediately (or on such date as specified in the notice). However such notice shall not affect any instructions already executed prior to receipt of such notice. All instructions given and accepted by an Authorised User will be deemed to be instructions authorised by you and shall be binding on you.


    You must ensure that each Authorised User quits and closes the internet browser after using the Online Platform.


    You will advise us immediately if you have any reason to believe that your login and password have not been kept secure and confidential or may otherwise have become known to others.


    We may at any time without notice to you suspend, withdraw or deny access to the Online Platform for any reason including but not limited to security, quality of service, failure by you to pay an amount when due or breach by you of any provision of this Agreement.


    You acknowledge that if, in our sole discretion, we consider you to have partaken in any kind or form of scalping, market abuse, or any other unethical trading, we reserve the right, unilaterally and with immediate effect, to suspend or terminate (at any time, with or without cause or prior notice) all or any part of any Services, or your access; to change the nature, composition or availability of any electronic trading or service on the Online Platform. This includes changing the limits we set on any trading you may conduct through the Online Platform.

    2.8. Transmission of orders


    Unless otherwise agreed by us, all orders to trade must be transmitted to us through the Online Platform. Such an order shall not take effect unless actually received by us.


    We will endeavour to advise you promptly if such circumstances arise, however we are under no obligation to provide you with our reasons for not acting on your orders. We will not be liable to you in any way if we refuse to follow your orders.


    If there has been no activity for more than six months on any account in your name, we reserve the right to cancel any pending opening orders without prior notice.

    2.9. Orders Binding


    When you click the submit button to enter an order through our Online Platform (or give us an order by any other means we may agree) we will be under no obligation to accept it or, if accepted, under no obligation to execute it. Unexecuted orders may be cancelled at our discretion. Once an order has been entered into our Online Platform it may not be altered or cancelled.

    2.10. Margin Deposit


    Before executing any order, we may in our absolute discretion require a deposit of such amount as we may specify in respect of any actual, anticipated or contingent liability you may have to us in respect of anticipated or existing open positions which you have or will have with us (the “Margin Deposit”).


    We reserve the right to change the margin requirements at any time and any change may become effective immediately. We may inform you of this by email, via the electronic trading platform, telephone call, post, text message, or by posting notice of the change on our website. It is your responsibility to know at all times the current margin requirement applicable to your account and your open positions.

    2.11. Cleared Funds


    You must at all times have sufficient cleared funds with us before we will execute any order. We will indicate to you the sum required as the Margin Deposit for each order.


    We will only accept funds from you where they are from an account held in your name, either jointly or individually, the payment has originated from you and we reserve the right to verify the bank account if the payment is made by bank transfer.


    If your Account has a negative cash value for any reason, including but not limited to, the closure of your positions under term 2.14, or termination of this agreement, that negative cash value will be written off by HML and your account balance set to zero.

    2.12. Profits, Losses and Interest Charges on Open Positions


    For any open position held by you, we shall from time to time credit your account with profits and interest earned, or debit your account for losses and interest incurred from the date agreed with us until the Value Date (as defined in Term 2 above) or until the position is closed or liquidated, in the following manner:

    • for buying of one currency against the sale of another currency and the currency bought has a higher interest rate than the currency sold, interest arising therefrom shall be credited to your account;
    • for bullion contracts, interest arising from buying or selling bullion shall be credited or debited to your account;
    • in the case of a negative interest rate, interest arising therefrom shall be debited to your account;
    • in the case of CFDs, we will charge an interest rate in respect of each [long (or bought)] open position and:
      • in the case of long (or bought) positions we will settle the difference between the price or level at which we entered into the transaction with you and the price or level of the subject matter (or underlying) on the Value Date, if it is higher we will pay the difference to you but if it is lower you will pay the difference to us;
      • in the case of short (or sold) positions we will settle the difference between the price or level at which we entered into the transaction with you and the price or level of the subject matter (or underlying) on the Value Date, if it is lower we will pay the difference to you but if it is higher you will pay the difference to us.


    In all cases, interest shall be at the rate we determine from time to time and published on our website.


    We reserve the right not to notify you when there is a movement of 10% or over in any position held on your account, and will not be held liable for any loss on the account should you rely on this notification.

    2.13. Advances and Interest Rate


    If you are not able or not willing to settle any transaction on the Value Date or on such date as we shall require settlement, we may (but without obligation to do so) make an advance to you of such amount as is necessary for direct settlement of any transaction in whole or in part and you undertake to repay the US dollar equivalent (at the exchange rate or rates as we shall stipulate) upon demand with interest therein at the rate of 3% per annum above the prime lending rate in the United States for the time being in force, calculated on a daily basis from the date of such advance up to and including the date of repayment in full. Interest at the above rate shall be chargeable on the following items:

    • Any part of the Margin Deposit or additional Margin Deposit not paid or deposited in the form of cash; and
    • Any amount due to us which remains outstanding.


    This Term (2.13) shall not be construed as binding us to make any advance to you nor shall it prejudice any of the rights and remedies we have against you or any other persons under this Agreement or otherwise conferred by law.


    We may, but have no obligation to, grant you a waived margin limit in an agreed currency that can be offset against a negative mark to market value on an open position, or an amount applicable to unsettled trading losses to some or all trades (either individually or in aggregate or both).


    If the negative mark to market of an open position is approaching or has exceeded your waived margin limit, we reserve the right to require you to pay an amount in addition to the Margin Deposit in our absolute discretion. Any waived margin limit we set may be reduced or withdrawn at any time by giving you notice in writing.


    If we act on an instruction which would result in a waived margin limit being exceeded:

    • If we act on an instruction which would result in a waived margin limit being exceeded:
    • we are not obliged to advise you of this;
    • you will be liable to us for all amounts due to us including those above any waived margin limit;
    • we are not obliged to act upon any subsequent instruction where a waived margin limit may be exceeded.

    2.14. Forced Liquidation


    You are required to maintain a sufficient level of Margin Deposit. We reserve our right to close out all open positions:

    • if at any time the Margin Deposit held by us is approaching or is no longer sufficient to cover the negative mark to market value of any or all open positions that you have with us; or
    • if at any time the waived margin limit assigned to you is no longer sufficient to cover the negative mark to market value of any or all open positions that you have open with us.


    If you fail to provide sufficient funds to hold your open positions in your trading account, they may be closed without further reference to you when the sum of funds in your trading account and the unrealised net profits of all open positions connected to that account falls to less than half of the total initial margin protection for all those open positions.


    We shall have the right, in our absolute discretion, to determine the mark to market value from time to time. In addition to other remedies available to us, if you fail to pay an amount when due under this Agreement, we have the right to close (by either buying or selling) any or all of your open positions.


    We are not obliged to contact you before we take the relevant action under Term 2.14.1. If however we do so, the margin call may be made by email, via the electronic trading platform, telephone call, post or text message. The margin call will be deemed to have been received if we have left a message requesting you to contact us, or if we have been unable to leave a message but made reasonable endeavours to do so.


    Each sub account is subject to separate margin requirement. No margin can be transferred from accounts/sub accounts with excess margin to these accounts/sub accounts that require margin. This is referred to as cross-margining, which is not permissible with HML.


    2.15. Quoting Error


    We will use all reasonable endeavours to provide up-to-date quotes for all Services traded on or through our Online Platform however we give no assurance that the prices quoted are accurate.


    In accordance with Term 25.1 in this Section 2, should a quoting error occur due to a typographical error or other obvious mistake in a quote or indication (the “Quoting Error”), we are not liable for any damages, claims, losses, liabilities or costs arising from the Quoting Error. We reserve the right to make the necessary adjustments to correct the Quoting Error and close any position opened on the basis of a Quoting Error. Any dispute arising from a Quoting Error will be resolved on the basis of the fair market value, as determined by us acting reasonably, of the relevant currency at the time such Quoting Error occurred.


    2.16. Authorisation Limits


    You may notify us of an authorisation limit applicable to some or all trades either in general or for particular Authorised Users. You may withdraw any such authorisation limit at any time by giving us notice in writing. We may, in our absolute discretion, impose an authorisation limit on you and/or any Authorised Users or vary any such limit at any time by giving you notice in writing in accordance with Term 23 of this Section 2.


    2.17. Material Interests and Conflicts

    As part of an international organisation which provides a number of services to a range of clients, there may be times when there is a conflict between our interests, or the interest of an Associated Company or Individual and the duty we owe to you or any other client, or a conflict between the differing interests of two or more clients to whom in each case we owe a duty. Under the FCA rules we are required to have in place arrangements with a view to taking all sufficient steps to prevent or mitigate such conflicts of interest constituting or giving rise to a material risk of damage to the interests of our clients. We have established a comprehensive Conflicts of Interest Policy to identify and manage such actual or potential conflicts of interest. Where we do not consider that the arrangements under our conflicts of interest policy are sufficient to manage a particular conflict, we will inform you of the nature and/or source of the conflict. Our full Conflicts of Interest Policy is available on our website.

    If the negative mark to market of an open position is approaching or has exceeded your credit limit, we reserve the right to require you to pay an amount in addition to the Margin Deposit in our absolute discretion. Any credit limit we set may be reduced or withdrawn at any time by giving you notice in writing.

      2.18. Client Money


      All amounts held in your account will be received and held by us as client money and segregated (“Segregated Funds”) by us in accordance with the FCA rules. Unless you have notified us in writing to the contrary, we may hold Segregated Funds in a segregated account located outside the UK or pass money held on your behalf to an intermediate broker, settlement agent or counterparty located outside the UK. The legal and regulatory regime applying to any such person may be different from that of the UK and in the event of the insolvency or any equivalent failure of that person, your money may be treated differently from the treatment which would apply if the money was held in a segregated account in the UK.


      You agree that in the event that there has been no movement on your account for a period of at least six years (notwithstanding any payments or receipts of charges, interest or similar items) and/or we are unable to trace you despite having taken reasonable steps to do so, we may cease to treat your money as client money and pay away the money to a registered charity. In such circumstances, we will unconditionally undertake to pay you a sum equal to the relevant client money balance paid away in the event that you seek to claim the client money balance in the future.


      2.19. Privacy and Data Protection


      You agree that by opening an account with us and using our Services, you will be providing us with personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation (679/2016).


      When you provide your personal data on the Account Opening Application Form or otherwise, you confirm that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You agree to us processing all such personal data to perform the Agreement and administer your account and the relationship between us. You agree to our processing and disclosing your personal data for the purposes set out in the Privacy Notice as published on our website and in accordance with this Agreement, as may be updated from time to time.


      You authorise us to carry out identity and credit checks, and related actions which we consider appropriate to meet any legal obligations imposed on us relating to, or to pursue our legitimate interests.


      You agree that, as part of the processing necessary for the purposes set out in the Privacy Notice, your personal data can be legitimately disclosed to other recipients and public authorities in accordance with a legal obligation for the exercise of their official mission and who may be within or outside the European Economic Area. This may involve the disclosure of information concerning you or your account, as part of the automatic exchange of information under FATCA, CRS and other fiscal reporting regimes.

      2.20. Intellectual Property


      You agree that we are the sole owner (except to the extent owned by any third party licensors and except to the extent licensed by any of our Associated Companies) of all right, title and interest in the Online Platform and any information or data generated by the Online Platform.


      At no time shall you enter into commitments for us or in our name or use our intellectual property for any purpose whatsoever. You will not use our name or intellectual property without our prior written approval nor will you represent yourself as being affiliated with, or authorised to act for us.

      Complaints and Disputes


      If you have a complaint in respect of our Services you can in the first instance contact HML Client Support Staff who will be available during market hours. If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can write to the HML Compliance Department. Details of our internal Complaints Policy are available on our website. If you are dissatisfied with the result of our complaints procedure you may be able to complain directly to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman’s Service can be contacted by telephone on 0800 023 4567 or you can find further details on their website



        We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (“FSCS”). If we are unable to meet our liabilities in respect of investment business, if you make a valid claim you may be entitled to redress from the FSCS in respect of the investments that we arrange. This depends on the type of business and circumstances of the claim. Most types of investment business are covered for 100% of the first £85,000. Further information is available from us or from the Financial Services Compensation Scheme, 15 St Botolph St, London, EC3A 7QU.

          2.23. Communicating With Each Other

          2.23.1. Communication to us by post:

          Unless we advise you to the contrary, our address for written communication is Hantec House, 12-14 Wilfred Street, London SW1E 6PL.

          2.23.2. Communication to us during a face to face meeting or telephone

          We will (subject to Term 9 of this Section 2) act upon instructions received during a face to face meeting, by telephone or fax but we cannot accept any responsibility for any inconsistency between face to face, telephoned or e-mailed instructions and any subsequent written confirmation.

          2.23.3. Email Communications

          You agree that we may communicate with you by email and (subject to Term 9of this Section 2) act on instructions received via email from you. You acknowledge and accept the risks inherent in email, particularly of its unauthorised interception and of its not reaching the intended recipient. Please notify us in writing if you do not consent to the use of email as a means of communication in relation to this Agreement and its subject matter.

          2.23.4. Communication to us by your nominated third party

          If you authorise us to accept the instructions of a nominated third party we will do so until we receive notice to the contrary from you. The same rules apply to face to face, written, telephoned or emailed instructions received from a third party as they do to instructions received from you and you must ensure that your nominated third party complies with these rules.

          2.23.5. Communications by us to you

          We will write to, telephone or email you and/or, as appropriate, a third party authorised by you, at the address(es) and the other contact details as set out in the Account Opening Application Form or any other address(es) and other contact details you notify to us in writing. To help us administer your account properly our representatives or employees may occasionally call you on the telephone or visit you without clearing this with you first.

          2.23.6. Apparent instructions

          As long as we act reasonably, you authorise us to rely on instructions by whatever means transmitted which appear or purport to be sent by you or a third party authorised by you.

          2.23.7. Receipt of instructions and notices

          If an instruction or notice from you is received by us outside business hours (meaning 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday on a day that is not a public holiday in England), the instruction or notice is deemed to have been received by us on the next business day following receipt.

          Any notice posted on our website will be deemed to have been given 3 days after the notice was posted.

          Your Undertakings

          2.24.1. Authority

          You undertake that you have full power and authority to enter into, and to instruct us, on the terms of this Agreement.

          2.24.2. Information

          You undertake:

          • that all the information you have supplied to us in the Account Opening Application Form during meetings with us or otherwise is complete and accurate;
          • to notify us promptly of any change to the information supplied by you in the Account Opening Application Form or otherwise;
          • to supply us with all information, documentation or copy documentation that we require in order to allow us to carry out our account opening procedures and carry out ongoing monitoring of you and your account;
          • to provide us with any additional information which may be reasonably required by us in order that we can fulfil our legal, regulatory and contractual obligations in connection with or relating to this Agreement.

          2.24.3. Your investments

          You undertake:

          • (unless otherwise agreed with us) the investments and cash within your account are within your beneficial ownership and are and will remain, for the term of this Agreement, free from all liens, charges and any other encumbrances;
          • while this Agreement continues you will not, except through us, deal, or authorise anyone else to deal in the investments in your account;
          • while this Agreement continues you will not, either directly or indirectly, cause us to incur any liability to any third party which is not anticipated by the express terms of this Agreement.

          2.24.4. Documents

          You undertake to sign and/ or produce, by the time we ask you to, any documents we need to enable us to carry out our duties under this Agreement.

          2.24.5. Indemnity

          You (and where you are an individual or individuals your personal representatives) indemnify us on our written demand against all proceedings, actions, costs and expenses, claims, demands and/or other liabilities incurred by us, our agents, or any nominee or custodian, as a consequence of:

          • the acceptance of instructions from you or any Authorised User over the telephone or by email or via the Online Platform;
          • any breach by you or any Authorised User of any of the terms of this Agreement.
          This indemnity shall not apply to the extent of any liability caused by a breach of this Agreement by us or the negligence, fraud or wilful default of us, our agents, a nominee or custodian.

              2.25. The extent of our responsibility for our actions and the actions of others

              2.25.1. Our responsibility

              We will carry out our duties with reasonable skill, care and diligence and in accordance with the instructions and authority you have given us. As long as we do this, we cannot and do not accept any liability for loss (or the loss of an opportunity to gain) which arises from the provision of our Services for and on your behalf. We shall not be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect or consequential loss incurred as a result of a delay in funds reaching you.

              2.25.2. We accept responsibility for our own nominee(s)

              We accept responsibility for the acts or omissions in respect of this Agreement of any nominee company controlled by us or controlled by one of our Associated Companies.

              2.25.3. Custodians / agents (other than our own nominee(s))

              We will exercise reasonable care in our choice of nominees, custodians or agents and we will monitor their continuing suitability. As long as we do this (and as long as the losses do not arise directly from our negligence, fraud or wilful default) we cannot and do not accept responsibility for loss arising from the default of a nominee (other than our own nominee), a custodian or agent whether the loss arises from the loss of funds, investments, title documents or otherwise.

              2.25.4. Events outside our reasonable control

              We cannot and do not accept responsibility for losses you suffer as a result of our (or our agents, nominees, custodians or others appointed by us) failing to comply with these terms (or terms or matters contained in the Account Opening Application Form) as a result of circumstances outside our or their reasonable control. These circumstances would include, but not be limited to, interruption of power supply, electronic equipment or supplier failure. Neither objectives nor restrictions will be deemed to be breached as a result of changes in the value of investments caused by movements in the market.

              2.25.5. Market Disturbances

              We may give a notice (a “Disturbance Notice”) to you at any time if we form the view that market or trading conditions in the relevant market for the currency, bullion or other instrument concerned are seriously disturbed. This includes circumstances where, in our opinion, deposits in the currency, bullion or the instrument concerned are not available to us in the ordinary course of business in the relevant market or because of national or international financial, political or economic circumstances or exchange controls, it is impractical. When a Disturbance Notice is given, our obligations will be suspended while we negotiate alternative arrangements with you. If we reach agreement before the Value Date, those alternative arrangements will apply. If we do not reach agreement within that period, we will each be released from our obligations under the relevant transaction.

              2.25.6. Preservation of rights under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 and the regulatory system

              Nothing in this Agreement is intended to have, or has, the effect of excluding or restricting our duties or liabilities to you under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 or the regulatory system.

              2.25.7. Agency status

              In any circumstances in which we act as your agent you will be bound by our actions. These circumstances may include but not be limited to our dealing with a third party on your behalf or arranging for a third party to receive or hold your money. Nevertheless, none of the Services shall give rise to any fiduciary or equitable duties which would prevent or hinder us or any Associated Company in transactions with or for you, acting as both market maker and broker, or acting as agent in dealing with other associates or clients and obtaining a profit from any such activity.

              Delegation and use of Associated Companies/agents


              We may delegate any of our responsibilities under this Agreement to a third party.


              Subject to the FCA Rules, we may pay to and accept from third parties (and not be liable to account to you) benefits, commissions or remunerations which are paid or received as a result of Services conducted by you;

              Charges, Fees and Tax


              You agree to pay us the charges for our Services as notified to you through the Online Platform. Our website and other notifications to you set out:

              • the basis of calculation of our charges;
              • how frequently they are to be paid;
              • (where relevant) whether any other payment is to be received by us (or to our knowledge by an Associated Company) in connection with transactions we carry out with or for you in addition to, or in lieu of, our charges.

              2.27.2. Expenses

              You agree to reimburse us for all the costs and expenses we incur in the carrying out of our Services. The costs will include, but not be limited to:

              • any costs and expenses referred to in the Account Opening Application Form and/or otherwise notified to you;
              • transaction costs;
              • commissions, transfer fees, registration fees, taxes and similar liabilities and costs.

              We shall retain a lien and security interest over any assets within your account to the extent that any charges, costs, losses or claims for which you are liable to us remain unpaid. We will notify you of any disposal of any assets of yours we may be holding pursuant to rights under a lien or security interest. Such disposal will occur if you fail to make payments to us when due. The lien or security interest will apply in respect of each asset or type of asset or class of asset comprised within your account from time to time to the extent of your indebtedness to us.

              In the event of default or late payment of any sum due to us we reserve the right to charge interest at a rate not exceeding the effective cost to us of borrowing in the relevant money markets an amount equal to the sums due or such other rate as we may have notified to you.

                2.27.3. Changes in charges

                Our charges may be changed from time to time. We will let you have 30 calendar days’ written notice of any changes to our charges before we implement them.

                2.27.4. Payment of charges and expenses

                You authorise us to deduct the charges and expenses due in relation to the provision of our Services under this Agreement and all related charges and expenses from your account at the times and frequency which have been notified to you. If there are insufficient cash balances on the account you authorise us to liquidate positions or sell any assets we may be holding to the extent necessary to cover the accrued charges and expenses. If we cannot collect charges and expenses in this way we will invoice you and the invoice will be payable on receipt.

                2.27.5. Tax

                You must pay, or reimburse, us for any taxes applicable, now or in the future, to your bets or on any spread or charges payable by you pursuant to this Agreement. We also reserve the right to require you to pay, or reimburse, us for stamp duty in the event of a change in the basis of stamp duty rates or law.


                You will be responsible at all times for the payment of all taxes due and for providing any relevant tax authority with any information relating to the use of the Services. Where we are required by law to provide information to a tax authority this provision of information will be governed by our Privacy Notice. You agree that if we provide you with any information or express any opinion in relation to the tax treatment of the Services you used or continue to use it will not be reasonable for you to rely upon any such statement and it will not constitute tax advice.

                2.27.7. Dormant Account Fees

                If there has been no activity for more than six months on any account in your name it will be classified as dormant and may be charged the dormant account fee. The fee will be charged every six months after this time if there continues to be no activity on the account(s).To avoid being charged a dormant account fee, you should have executed at least one trade in your account(s) in any given 6 month period. If you have unrealised trades that have remained open for longer than the 6 month period but have not executed any further trades, your account will not be deemed dormant. If your account balance is zero or the dormant account fee will bring the balance of your account to zero or negative, Hantec Markets will charge such part of the fee that brings the account balance to zero and then close that account as per Term2.29.1.2. We reserve the right to change this fee at immediate notice and may inform you of this by email, via the electronic trading platform, telephone call, fax, post, text message, or by posting notice of the change on our website.

                2.27.8. Islamic/Swap Free Account Charges

                Islamic/Swap Free accounts subject to Islamic Forex Account Term and Conditions are liable to a holding fee, which can be found on Hantec Markets’ website, for any position which is held for the period of a week or more.


                In any circumstances where we reasonably suspect that you performed abusive trading such as scalping, this will be considered as a breach of this Agreement and for this reason we reserve the right to take any of the following actions in relation to the scalping activity:

                • immediately terminate your account and your access to our servers;
                • void any trade (i.e., treat the trade as if the trade had never taken place) which was part of any scalping activity;
                • close any trade, which was part of any scalping activity, on the basis of our current market price;
                • Make immediate changes to your account, including but not limited to, the liquidity provided by us and the spread quoted.

                We can exercise the above rights even if you have entered into (or refrained from entering into) such arrangements with third parties relating to the relevant trade and even if you may suffer a trading loss as a result.

                Ending the Agreement

                2.29.1. Notice of ending


                You may end this Agreement by giving us written notice at any time -this Agreement will end when we receive your notice (or on a later date specified by you in such notice).


                We may end this Agreement by giving you written notice at any time -this Agreement will end when you receive our notice (or on a later date specified by us in such notice).


                We may also end this Agreement with immediate effect by written notice if either you breach any of the terms of the Agreement or we need to do so for regulatory or operational reasons.

                2.29.2 Transaction in progress

                When this Agreement ends, transactions already initiated to which we or our agents are committed will be completed.

                2.29.3. Consequences of ending

                When this Agreement ends we shall liquidate or close out all open positions and may charge you for:

                • periodic charges which have accrued through to the date of termination which shall become immediately due and payable;
                • any additional expenses we or our agents necessarily incur on termination of this Agreement;
                • any losses necessarily realised by us in settling or concluding outstanding obligations.

                Within two days of termination of this Agreement, you will return or destroy all passwords and log-in information received from us in accordance with our written instructions.

                Termination of this Agreement is without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of the parties except in the case of termination under Term 29.1.3which shall relieve us of any obligations set out in this Agreement or arising out of transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including any obligations arising out of any transaction already entered into with us.

                Terms 24.5, 25.1 and 30.11 in this Section 2 shall survive termination of this Agreement.

                2.29.4. Investments

                When this Agreement ends we will account to you promptly for any assets we may be holding for you. However, we shall retain a lien and security interest over any assets within your account to the extent that any charges, costs, losses or claims for which you are liable to us remain unpaid.

                  2.30. General

                  2.30.1. Amendments

                  You must notify us in writing of any proposed amendments to this Agreement which will take effect only when accepted by us in writing.

                  We may amend this Agreement at any time. Amendments proposed by us will take effect on the date notified to you by us, which shall be a date not less than 10 business days after the date of issue of our notice unless circumstances (such as legal or regulatory requirements) dictate a shorter period.

                  2.30.2. Time of essence

                  Time shall be of the essence in respect of all your obligations under this Agreement (including any transaction).

                  2.30.3. Assignment / Transfer

                  This Agreement is personal to you and you may not assign or transfer any of your rights or responsibilities under it without our prior written consent. We may assign or transfer our rights and responsibilities under this Agreement to an Associated Company upon giving you written notice. We may assign or transfer our rights and responsibilities under this Agreement to a third party but will give you 30 calendar days’ prior written notice if we intend to do so.

                  2.30.4. Rights and Remedies

                  The rights and remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.

                  Neither the failure nor delay on our part in exercising any right or remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy preclude us from any other or further waiver of any right or remedy.

                  2.30.5. Severance

                  If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of this Agreement (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed to be deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected.

                  If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision of this Agreement would be valid, enforceable and legal if some part of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable.

                  2.30.6. No Rights under Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999

                  A person who is not a party to this Agreement shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of its terms.

                  2.30.7. Language

                  This Agreement is supplied in English and all communications from us to you for the duration of this Agreement shall be in English.

                  2.30.8. Telephone Calls

                  Telephone calls (and other communications as defined by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act 2000) between us may be recorded to maintain the quality of our service to you. All recordings shall and will remain solely our property and will be accepted by you as conclusive evidence of instructions or conversations so recorded. You agree that we may deliver copies of transcripts of such recordings to any court, regulatory or government authority.

                  2.30.9. Telephone Conversations and Electronic Communications

                  Under MiFID II we will need to record all telephone conversations and electronic communications between us that result in placing and/or closing an order or a trade, including communications that are intended to result in placing and/or closing an order or a trade, irrespective of outcome. A record of such telephone conversations and electronic communications can be provided to you upon request.

                  2.30.10. Cooperation in Proceedings

                  If any action or proceeding is brought by or against us in relation to this Agreement or arising out of any act or omission by us required or permitted under this Agreement, you agree to co-operate with us to the fullest extent possible in the defence or prosecution of such action or proceeding.

                  2.30.11. Governing Law

                  This Agreement and our relations before we entered into this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English Law.


                  Unless you are an EU Consumer (other than one resident in England or Wales) and subject to Term, the Courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or matter arising under or in connection with the Agreement and the legal relationships established by the Agreement.


                  Unless you are an EU Consumer, we shall be entitled to take proceedings against you in any other competent jurisdiction, and the taking of proceedings in any one or more jurisdictions will not preclude the taking of proceedings in any other jurisdictions, whether concurrently or not, to the extent permitted by the law of such other jurisdiction.

                  Treating Clients Fairly

                  At Hantec Markets Limited we are committed to treating our clients fairly (“TCF”). We have reviewed these terms and conditions in the context of TCF and believe that they are in accordance with our TCF commitment. We have also reviewed our internal systems and controls and will continue to monitor the service we provide in the light of client feedback to ensure TCF for our clients.


                  3.Provisions Relevant to Particular Types of Client and Account

                  3.1. Charities

                  If you are a charity constituted as a trust, the following additional terms apply:

                  3.1.1. Trustee Act 2000

                  If you are required to make a policy statement under section 15 of the Trustee Act 2000 we will, in the operation of your account, comply with that policy statement or any revised or replaced policy statement provided by you.

                  3.1.2.Changes in trustees during the term of this Agreement

                  At our option this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding any change in the composition of the trustees whether by death, retirement or addition of trustees or otherwise.

                  3.1.3. Joint and several liability

                  Each of the trustees accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement. Save in respect of liability arising directly or indirectly from negligence, fraud or wilful default, the liabilities of the trustees under the terms of this Agreement shall be limited to the assets of the trust from time to time.


                  3.2. Individuals applying jointly

                  If you are individuals applying jointly, the following additional terms apply:

                  3.2.1. Acceptance of Instructions

                  We will accept instructions from any one account holder unless you notify us otherwise.

                  3.2.2. Death during the Term of the Agreement

                  On the death of any one of you this Agreement will not terminate and we will treat the survivor(s) as the only person(s) entitled to or interested in the account. Should all of you die during the term of this Agreement we shall continue to hold the account according to the investment mandate specified until such time as we are instructed otherwise by the properly appointed executor(s) of the last of you to die.

                  3.2.3. Joint and Several Liability

                  Each of you accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement.


                  3.3. Partnerships

                  If you are a non-incorporated partnership, the following additional terms apply:

                  3.3.1. Changes in Composition of Non-incorporated Partnerships

                  This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding any change in the composition of a non-incorporated partnership whether by the death, retirement or addition of partners to the partnership or otherwise.

                  3.3.2. Joint and Several Liability

                  If you are a partner in a non-incorporated partnership each of you accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement.


                  3.4. Trusts

                  If you are a trust the following additional terms apply:

                  3.4.1. Changes in trustees during the term of the Agreement

                  At our option this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect not withstanding any change in the composition of the trustees whether by death, retirement or addition of trustees or otherwise.

                  3.4.2. Joint and Several Liability

                  Each trustee accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement. Save in respect of liability arising directly or indirectly from negligence, fraud or wilful default, the liabilities of the trustees under the terms of this Agreement shall be limited to the assets of the trust from time to time.


                  3.5. Unincorporated associations

                  If you are members of an unincorporated association, the following additional terms apply:

                  3.5.1.Changes in membership during the term of this Agreement

                  At our option this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding any change in the composition of the membership whether by death, retirement or addition of members or otherwise.

                  3.5.2.Joint and several liability

                  Each of you accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement.


                  3.6. Islamic/Swap Free Account

                  Swap Free Islamic Forex trading account conditions are offered for all account types, regardless of base currency or leverage.

                  Clients using swap free accounts must be of Islamic faith.

                  In the case of abuse/suspicion of abuse, Hantec Markets may at its sole discretion decide to close all open positions and remove the swap free conditions. Hantec Markets reserves the right to discontinue Islamic/Swap Free account without any warning.

                  Clients benefiting from interest/swap free accounts can hold their positions for an undetermined period of time without incurring any interest, however, positions held for more than a week will be charged a holding fee based upon the number of lots held open per week.

                  In case of Hantec Markets incurring losses due to rollovers of positions on Swap Free Account/s, or any other reason as Hantec Markets may deem fit, Hantec Markets reserves the right to recover these losses by collecting the outstanding amount from any of the Client’s accounts held with Hantec Markets. If the Client’s account/s hold insufficient funds to cover the losses incurred, the Client agrees to pay the requested amount to their account/s upon Hantec Markets’ request.


                  4. Warning: Risks of Margin Trading

                  You should consider the following risks before trading through our Services.

                  Trading in derivatives, particularly margin trading, involves the potential for profit as well as the risk of loss. This may vastly exceed the amount of money you commit to any trade or transaction. Movements in the price of financial markets are influenced by a variety of factors of global origin, many of which are unpredictable. Violent movements in the price of foreign exchange, bullion rates, CFDs and spread bets may result in action by the market. As a result you may be unable to settle adverse trades. HML staff are unable to guarantee a maximum loss that you may suffer.

                  You may be required to deposit substantial additional margin, at short notice, to hold your positions. If you fail to provide funds to hold your positions they may be closed without further reference to you.

                  Movement in the price of foreign exchange, bullion rates and CFDs are influenced by a variety of factors of global origin many of which are unpredictable. Price movements of derivative contracts are influenced by interest rates, changing supply and demand relationships, fiscal, monetary and exchange control programmes and policies of governments, and national and international political and economic events and policies. In addition, governments intervene from time to time, directly and by regulation, in certain markets, particularly markets in currencies and interest rate related contracts and derivatives. Such intervention is often intended to influence prices and may, together with other factors, cause all of such markets to move rapidly in the same direction because of, among other things, interest rate fluctuations.

                  Violent movements in the price of foreign exchange, bullion rates and CFDs may result in action by the market as a result of which you may be unable to settle adverse trades.

                  Certain investment strategies or hedging techniques, including those involving ‘spread’ positions or ‘straddles’, may be as risky as taking simple ‘long’ or ‘short’ positions.

                  Although derivatives can be used for the management of investment risk, some of these products are unsuitable for many investors. Different instruments involve different levels of exposure to risk and in deciding whether to trade in such instruments you should be aware of the issues set out in this risk warning. However, this risk warning cannot disclose all of the risks and other significant aspects of such derivatives. You should not deal in derivatives unless you understand their nature and the full extent of your exposure to risk and losses.

                  If there is anything you do not understand it is recommended that you seek appropriate advice from a suitably qualified person (such as a lawyer, accountant or financial adviser).You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives.


                  This document is important and contains the terms on which we provide our online foreign exchange, bullion, contracts for difference (“CFD”) trading (the “Services”) to you.

                  Due to regulatory restrictions, Hantec Markets Limited Jordan cannot open accounts for retail customers with residence in the United States, Belgium, Macedonia and Israel.

                  A United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel resident means any of the following: any natural person resident of the United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel; any company, partnership, or other legal entity created or organized under the laws of any jurisdiction of the United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel; a branch or agency of a foreign entity located in the United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel; a trust of which the trustee is a United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel resident; an estate of which a United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel resident is the executor or administrator; or any account held for the benefit of a United States, Belgium, Macedonia or Israel resident.

                  Before you begin to trade with us, you should read this Agreement carefully in addition to Execution Policy, Conflicts Policy, Risk Disclosure and Privacy Notice. Please ensure you read any additional new policies, or updates to existing policies which you will be notified of by us.

                  It is essential that you read and understand these terms and we will ensure that you have a proper opportunity to do so by not allowing you to trade until you have confirmed to us that you have read these terms. If you have any questions please let us know.

                  Hantec Markets Limited Jordan is authorized and regulated by the Jordan Securities Commission under number (98).

                  The Agreement Between Us

                  The agreement between us (this “Agreement”) comprises:

                  • these terms and conditions;
                  • and the terms and matters set out in the Account Opening Application Form and any sub mandates.

                  1. This Agreement represents all the terms agreed between us regarding the Services unless we have agreed in writing to supplement or vary this Agreement.


                  2. Unless otherwise agreed with you in writing, we are treating you as a retail client for the purposes of the rules of the Jordan Securities Commission (the “JSC”). You agree that you are responsible for keeping us informed about any change to your circumstances as this could affect our categorization of you.


                  3. The main account and any sub-accounts, including accounts held in joint ownership constitute a single contractual agreement and are treated as one account for the purpose of realized client balances. This means that all account opening conditions, agreements and provisions between us with regards to the main account are equally valid and applicable to all accounts held by you individually and jointly, and any realized negative balances may be netted against other accounts held in your name. Any account unrealized balances, positions, or margin requirements will not be netted against each other unless otherwise agreed in writing by both parties.


                  4. Effective Date

                  This Agreement shall come into force on the earlier of the date you complete and sign the Account Opening Application Form and the date you begin to use the Services (being a day we are open for business or the next business day if we are not, a “Business Day”). Our obligations under this Agreement in relation to our Services shall become effective on the Business Day we confirm your account has been approved for funding.

                  5. Cancellation Rights


                  You have a right to cancel this Agreement within 14 days of the Business Day we receive the completed Account Opening Application Form from you. If you would like to cancel this Agreement please let your contact at Hantec Markets /Jordan or write us at: Hantec Markets Limited Jordan: Amman – Mecca street.-Al Husseini complex. 164- 5th floor -office 502 – or at phone number: +962 (6) 5535999 fax: + 962 (6) 5541333 or email us on [email protected].


                  If you do not exercise this right to cancel within the requisite time period, you will still be entitled to exercise your right under Term 6.28 of the Agreement to terminate the Agreement.


                  You must note that the right to cancel and the right to terminate under the Agreement only relate to cancelling or terminating the Agreement. Cancellation or termination will not affect the completion of transactions initiated prior to us receiving your notice of cancellation or termination. Cancellation or termination will not affect your or our accrued rights, indemnities, existing commitments or any other contractual provision intended to survive termination of this Agreement.


                  No penalty will apply on cancellation, however, you will pay our fees on a pro-rata basis to the date of cancellation and any additional expenses necessarily incurred by us (or a third party) in cancelling this Agreement and any losses necessarily realized in settling or concluding outstanding transactions and transferring your funds back to you.


                  You should note that we will provide the Services to you until we receive notice of cancellation pursuant to your cancellation right and if you do cancel the amount you receive back may be less than your initial investment due to fluctuating market values, payment of any fees due to us, costs we incur and any costs incurred by us due to circumstances outside our control.


                  6. Terms and Conditions that apply to the Services

                  6.1. Hantec Markets Limited Jordan

                  Hantec Markets Limited Jordan is authorized and regulated by the Jordan Securities Commission. Our company’s number at the Ministry of Industry and Trade’s companies control department is (51905). We have been given the right to organize investment transactions and transaction services without advice, and these services represent our main business activities.

                  Our principal place of business is Suite 502, 5th Floor, Al Husseini Complex, 164 Mecca Street, Amman, Jordan (we will notify you of any change to our principal place of business) our phone number is +962 (6) 5535999 – Fax + 962 (6) 5541333 and our email address is [email protected].

                  6.2. Non-advised dealing services


                  We offer “non-advised dealing services” which means allowing you access to speculate on the financial markets using our Online Platform. You agree to use our services as a derivative or leveraged product according to the international banks and companies we deal with.


                  Any instructions you give us in relation to non-advised dealing services must be given by you through our online foreign exchange, bullion and CFD transaction systems (the “Online Platform”) unless we agree otherwise.


                  We will provide you with prices at which the relevant currency, bullion or CFD can be purchased or sold either verbally or via the Online Platform.

                  6.3. Appropriateness


                  For certain types of investment (considered by the JSC to be complex investments), when we receive instructions to deal on a non-advised basis we are required under the JSC rules to assess the appropriateness of such services for you by reference to your knowledge, experience and understanding of the risks involved. Should we not have sufficient information to make this assessment or we consider that (with regard to the information we hold about you) services are not appropriate for you, we shall warn you of this and you may not be allowed to proceed with services.

                  6.4. Confirmations


                  When we deal for you on a non-advised basis, we will provide you with a notice in electronic form confirming the execution of your order and providing you with details of the transaction (such as the price and any rate of exchange used for a currency conversion). You should check the confirmation carefully and let us know immediately of any errors.

                  6.5. Best execution


                  When we execute an order on your behalf the JSC rules require us to take all sufficient steps to obtain the best possible results for you, taking into account a number of relevant factors. In order to comply with our obligations in relation to the best execution we have in place an order execution policy which is available on our website. Our order execution policy is reviewed periodically and whenever a material change occurs that affects our ability to continue to provide best execution. By entering into this Agreement, you confirm that you agree to this policy. We may amend our Order Execution Policy from time to time and may notify you of any material amendments by giving (providing you with a) written notice.


                  Please note that specific instructions from you in relation to the execution of orders may prevent us from following our order execution policy in respect of the elements of execution covered by the specific instruction.


                  When we enter into transactions on your behalf denominated in a foreign currency other than the base currency of your account (as such base currency is provided for in the Account Opening Application Form) we may carry out any necessary foreign exchange transactions (together with any hedging transactions on a transaction by transaction basis) on the settlement date for the transaction rather than the trade date at our then prevailing rates of exchange.


                  Payments into your account may, where necessary, be converted into the base currency of your account.

                  6.6. Capacity


                  Unless we agree otherwise at the time of dealing, we will be the counterparty to all your transactions and act as a principal and not as agent on your behalf. Unless we agree otherwise, we will treat you alone as our client for all purposes and you shall be directly and fully responsible for performing the obligations under each transaction, we enter in with you or on your behalf. We do not have nor do we seek to have any relationship with any third party on whose behalf it may be claimed you are acting.

                  Use of our Online Platform


                  You will be able to enter orders at the exchange rates and prices displayed on the Online Platform.


                  The ownership of materials and text contained on our website, accessed from it, or otherwise distributed to you by us, is confidential and protected by copyright. You agree that this material and text is for your own personal use and that you will not disclose it to anyone else. All electronic communications between parties in the course of business may be recorded and monitored by us in accordance with relevant law and for the purposes set out in the Privacy Notice.


                  We will notify you of your Online Platform account password by phone, letter or email. Your personal information will be requested as a means to verify your identity before the password is released over the telephone. Your password is strictly confidential, and you agree to take full responsibility for all transactions, loss, costs and expenses, should any transaction be accepted and concluded by us after the password has been provided to you.


                  You agree that by using the Online Platform you have given your prior express consent to receive and transmit instructions for execution outside a regulated market or multilateral trading facility.


                  You will provide us with a list of people authorized to access the Online Platform on your behalf (each an “Authorized User”). You shall notify us immediately when any new person becomes an Authorized User or when any existing Authorized User is no longer entitled to be an Authorized User. Upon receipt of such notice, the User is effective immediately (or on such date as specified in the notice). However, such notice shall not affect any instructions already executed prior to receipt of such notice. All instructions given and accepted by an Authorized User will be deemed to be instructions authorized by you and shall be binding on you.


                  You must ensure that each Authorized User quits and closes the internet browser after using the Online Platform.


                  You will advise us immediately if you have any reason to believe that your login and password have not been kept secure and confidential or may otherwise have become known to others.


                  We may at any time without notice to you suspend, withdraw or deny access to the Online Platform for any reason including but not limited to security, quality of service, failure by you to pay an amount when due or breach by you of any provision of this Agreement.


                  You acknowledge that if, in our sole discretion, we consider you to have partaken in any kind or form of scalping, market abuse, or any other unethical trading, we reserve the right, unilaterally and with immediate effect, to suspend or terminate (at any time, with or without cause or prior notice) all or any part of any Services, or your access; to change the nature, composition or availability of any electronic trading or service on the Online Platform. This includes changing the limits we set on any trading you may conduct through the Online Platform.

                  Transmission of Orders


                  Unless otherwise agreed by us, all orders to trade must be transmitted to us through the Online Platform. Such an order shall not take effect unless actually received by us.


                  We will endeavour to advise you promptly if such circumstances arise, however we are under no obligation to provide you with our reasons for not acting on your orders. We will not be liable to you in any way if we refuse to follow your orders.


                  If there has been no activity for more than six months on any account in your name, we reserve the right to cancel any pending opening orders without prior notice.


                  6.9. Orders Binding


                  When you click the submit button to enter an order through our Online Platform (or give us an order by any other means we may agree) we will be under no obligation to accept it or, if accepted, under no obligation to execute it. Unexecuted orders may be cancelled at our discretion. Once an order has been entered into our Online Platform it may not be altered or cancelled.

                  Margin Deposit


                  Before executing any order, we may in our absolute discretion require a deposit of such amount as we may specify in respect of any actual, anticipated or contingent liability you may have to us in respect of anticipated or existing open positions which you have or will have with us (the “Margin Deposit”).


                  We reserve the right to change the margin requirements at any time and any change may become effective immediately. We may inform you of this by email, via the electronic trading platform, telephone call, post, text message, or by posting notice of the change on our website. It is always your responsibility to know the current margin requirement applicable to your account and your open positions.

                  Cleared Funds


                  You must at all times have sufficient cleared funds with us before we will execute any order. We will indicate to you the sum required as the Margin Deposit for each order.


                  We will only accept funds from you where they are from an account held in your name, either jointly or individually, the payment has originated from you and we reserve the right to verify the bank account if the payment is made by bank transfer.


                  If your Account has a negative cash value for any reason, including but not limited to, the closure of your positions under term (6.14) or termination of this agreement, that negative cash value will be written off by HML and your account balance set to zero.

                  Profits, Losses and Interest Charges on Open Positions


                  For any open position held by you, we shall from time to time credit your account with profits and interest earned, or debit your account for losses and interest incurred from the date agreed with us until the Value Date or until the position is closed or liquidated, in the following manner:

                  1. for buying of one currency against the sale of another currency and the currency bought has a higher interest rate than the currency sold, interest arising there from shall be credited to your account;
                  2. for bullion contracts, interest arising from buying or selling bullion shall be credited or debited to your account;
                  3. in the case of a negative interest rate, interest arising therefrom shall be debited to your account;
                  4. in the case of CFDs, we will charge an interest rate in respect of each [long (or bought)] open position and:
                  • in the case of long (or bought) positions we will settle the difference between the price or level at which we entered into the transaction with you and the price or level of the subject matter (or underlying) on the Value Date, if it is higher we will pay the difference to you but if it is lower you will pay the difference to us


                    In all cases, interest shall be at the rate we determine from time to time and published on our website.


                      We reserve the right not to notify you when there is a movement in any position held on your account and will not be held liable for any loss on the account should you rely on this notification.

                      Advances and Interest Rate


                      If you are not able or not willing to settle any transaction on the Value Date or on such date as we shall require settlement, we may (but without obligation to do so) make an advance to you of such amount as is necessary for direct settlement of any transaction in whole or in part and you undertake to repay the US dollar equivalent (at the exchange rate or rates as we shall stipulate) upon demand with interest therein at the rate of 3% per annum above the prime lending rate in the United States for the time being in force, calculated on a daily basis from the date of such advance up to and including the date of repayment in full. Interest at the above rate shall be chargeable on the following items:

                      • Any part of the Margin Deposit or additional Margin Deposit not paid or deposited in the form of cash; and
                      • Any amount due to us which remains outstanding.


                      This Term (6.13.1) shall not be construed as binding us to make any advance to you nor shall it prejudice any of the rights and remedies, we have against you or any other persons under this Agreement or otherwise conferred by JSC.


                      We may, but have no obligation to, grant you a waived margin limit in an agreed currency that can be offset against a negative mark to market value on an open position, or an amount applicable to unsettled trading losses to some or all trades (either individually or in aggregate or both).


                      If the negative mark to market of an open position is approaching or has exceeded your waived margin limit, we reserve the right to require you to pay an amount in addition to the Margin Deposit in our absolute discretion. Any waived margin limit we set may be reduced or withdrawn at any time by giving you notice in writing.


                      If we act on an instruction which would result in a waived margin limit being exceeded:

                      • we are not obliged to advise you of this;
                      • you will be liable to us for all amounts due to us including those above any waived margin limit;
                      • we are not obliged to act upon any subsequent instruction where a waived margin limit may be exceeded.

                      6.14. Forced Liquidation


                      You are required to maintain a sufficient level of Margin Deposit. We reserve our right to close out all open positions:

                      • If at any time the Margin Deposit held by us is approaching or is no longer sufficient to cover the negative mark to market value of any or all open positions that you have with us; or if at any time the waived margin limit assigned to you is no longer sufficient to cover the negative mark to market value of any or all open positions that you have open with us.


                      If you fail to provide sufficient funds to hold your open positions in your trading account, they may be closed without further reference to you when the sum of funds in your trading account and the unrealized net profits of all open positions connected to that account falls to less than half of the total initial margin protection for all those open positions associated with that account is less than half of margin required 50%………………………………………………. of these positions.


                      We shall have the right, in our absolute discretion, to determine the mark to market value from time to time. In addition to other remedies available to us, if you fail to pay an amount when due under this Agreement, we have the right to close (by either buying or selling) any or all of your open positions.


                      We are not obliged to contact you before we take the relevant action under Term (6.14.1) If however we do so, the margin call may be made by email, via the electronic trading platform, telephone call, post or text message. The margin call will be deemed to have been received if we have left a message requesting you to contact us, or if we have been unable to leave a message but made reasonable endeavors to do so.


                      Each sub account is subject to separate margin requirement. No margin can be transferred from accounts/sub accounts with excess margin to these accounts/sub accounts that require margin. This is referred to as cross-margining, which is not permissible with HML.

                      Quoting Error


                      We will use all reasonable endeavors to provide up-to-date quotes for all Services traded on or through our Online Platform however we give no assurance that the prices quoted are accurate.


                        In accordance with (6.15.1) should a quoting error occur due to a typographical error or other obvious mistake in a quote or indication (the “Quoting Error”), we are not liable for any damages, claims, losses, liabilities or costs arising from the Quoting Error. We reserve the right to make the necessary adjustments to correct the Quoting Error and close any position opened on the basis of a Quoting Error. Any dispute arising from a Quoting Error will be resolved on the basis of the fair market value, as determined by us acting reasonably, of the relevant currency at the time such Quoting Error occurred.

                        Authorization Limits


                        You may notify us of an authorization limit applicable to some or all trades either in general or for particular Authorized Users. You may withdraw any such authorization limit at any time by giving us notice in writing. We may, in our absolute discretion, impose an authorization limit on you and/or any Authorized Users or vary any such limit at any time by giving you notice in writing in accordance with Term 22 of this Section 6.

                        Material Interests and Conflicts


                        As part of an international organization which provides a number of services to a range of clients, there may be times when there is a conflict between our interests, or the interest of an Associated Company or Individual and the duty we owe to you or any other client, or a conflict between the differing interests of two or more clients to whom in each case we owe a duty.

                        Under the JSC rules we are required to have in place arrangements with a view to taking all sufficient steps to prevent or mitigate such conflicts of interest constituting or giving rise to a material risk of damage to the interests of our clients. We have established a comprehensive Conflicts of Interest Policy to identify and manage such actual or potential conflicts of interest. Where we do not consider that the arrangements under our conflicts of interest policy are enough to manage a particular conflict, we will inform you of the nature and/or source of the conflict. Our full Conflicts of Interest Policy is available on our website.

                          Client Money


                          All amounts held in your account will be received and held by us as client money and segregated (“Segregated Funds”) by us in accordance with the JSC rules. Unless you have notified us in writing to the contrary, we may hold Segregated Funds in a segregated account located outside the Jordan or pass money held on your behalf to an intermediate broker, settlement agent or counterparty located outside the Jordan. The legal and regulatory regime applying to any such person may be different from that of the Jordan and in the event of the insolvency or any equivalent failure of that person, your money may be treated differently from the treatment which would apply if the money was held in a segregated account in Jordan.


                          You agree that in the event that there has been no movement on your account for a period of at least six years (notwithstanding any payments or receipts of charges, interest or similar items) and/or we are unable to trace you despite having taken reasonable steps to do so, we may cease to treat your money as client money and pay away the money to a registered charity. In such circumstances, we will unconditionally undertake to pay you a sum equal to the relevant client money balance paid away in the event that you seek to claim the client money balance in the future.

                          Privacy and Data Protection


                          You agree that by opening an account with us and using our Services, you will be providing us with personal data within the meaning of the General Data Protection Regulation.


                          When you provide your personal data on the Account Opening Application Form or otherwise, you confirm that it is accurate, complete and up-to-date. You agree to us processing all such personal data to perform the Agreement and administer your account and the relationship between us. You agree to our processing and disclosing your personal data for the purposes set out in the Privacy Notice as published on our website and in accordance with this Agreement, as may be updated from time to time.


                          You authorize us to carry out identity and credit checks, and related actions which we consider appropriate to meet any legal obligations imposed on us relating to, or to pursue our legitimate interests.


                          You agree that, as part of the processing necessary for the purposes set out in the Privacy Notice, your personal data can be legitimately disclosed to other recipients and public authorities in accordance with a legal obligation for the exercise of their official mission and who may be within or outside the European Economic Area. This may involve the disclosure of information concerning you or your account, as part of the automatic exchange of information under fiscal reporting regimes.

                          Intellectual Property


                          You agree that we are the sole owner (except to the extent owned by any third-party licensors and except to the extent licensed by any of our Associated Companies) of all right, title and interest in the Online Platform and any information or data generated by the Online Platform.


                          At no time shall you enter into commitments for us or in our name or use our intellectual property for any purpose whatsoever. You will not use our name or intellectual property without our prior written approval, nor will you represent yourself as being affiliated with, or authorized to act for us.

                          Complaints and Disputes


                          If you have a complaint in respect of our Services, you can in the first instance contact HML Jordan phone number (0096265535999) Client Support Staff who will be available during market hours. If the complaint is not resolved to your satisfaction, you can write to the HML Compliance Department. Details of our internal Complaints Policy are available on our website. If you are dissatisfied with the result of our complaints procedure you may be able to complain directly to the Financial Ombudsman Service. The Financial Ombudsman’s Service can be contacted by telephone on 0096265690523 or e-mail ([email protected]). Our internal complaints policy is available on our website, if you are not satisfied with the results of our complaints procedures, you will be able to complain directly to JSC and contact us on the phone number (0096265607171).

                            Communicating With Each Other

                            6.22.1. Communication to us by post

                            Unless we advise you to the contrary, our address for written communication is Hantec Markets Jordan, Amman, Mecca Street, Al Husseini complex (164) – phone number 0096265535999- E-mail address ([email protected])- fax 0096265541333.

                            6.22.2. Communication to us during a face to face meeting or telephone

                            We will act upon instructions received during a face to face meeting, by telephone or fax but we cannot accept any responsibility for any inconsistency between face to face, telephoned or e-mailed instructions and any subsequent written confirmation.

                            6.22.3. Email Communications

                            You agree that we may communicate with you by email and act on instructions received via email from you. You acknowledge and accept the risks inherent in email, particularly of its unauthorized interception and of its not reaching the intended recipient. Please notify us in writing if you do not consent to the use of email as a means of communication in relation to this Agreement and its subject matter.

                            6.22.4. Communication to us by your nominated third party

                            If you authorize us to accept the instructions of a nominated third party we will do so until we receive notice to the contrary from you. The same rules apply to face to face, written, telephoned or emailed instructions received from a third party as they do to instructions received from you and you must ensure that your nominated third party complies with these rules.

                            6.22.5. Communications by us to you

                            We will write to, telephone or email you and/or, as appropriate, a third party authorized by you, at the address(es) and the other contact details as set out in the Account Opening Application Form or any other address(es) and other contact details you notify to us in writing. To help us administer your account properly our representatives or employees may occasionally call you on the telephone or visit you without clearing this with you first.

                            6.22.6. Apparent instructions

                            As long as we act reasonably, you authorize us to rely on instructions by whatever means transmitted which appear or purport to be sent by you or a third party authorized by you.

                            6.22.7. Receipt of instructions and notices

                            If an instruction or notice from you is received by us outside business hours (meaning 9.00 am to 5.00 pm Monday to Friday on a day that is not a public holiday in Jordan), the instruction or notice is deemed to have been received by us on the next business day following receipt.

                            Any notice posted on our website will be deemed to have been given 3 days after the notice was posted.

                              6.23. Your Undertakings

                              6.23.1. Authority

                              You undertake that you have full power and authority to enter into, and to instruct us, on the terms of this Agreement.

                              6.23.2. Information

                              You undertake:

                              • that all the information you have supplied to us in the Account Opening Application Form during meetings with us or otherwise is complete and accurate;
                              • to notify us promptly of any change to the information supplied by you in the Account Opening Application Form or otherwise;
                              • to supply us with all information, documentation or copy documentation that we require in order to allow us to carry out our account opening procedures and carry out ongoing monitoring of you and your account;
                              • to provide us with any additional information which may be reasonably required by us in order that we can fulfil our legal, regulatory and contractual obligations in connection with or relating to this Agreement.

                              6.23.3. Your investments

                              You undertake:

                              • (unless otherwise agreed with us) the investments and cash within your account are within your beneficial ownership and are and will remain, for the term of this Agreement, free from all liens, charges and any other encumbrances;
                              • while this Agreement continues you will not, except through us, deal, or authorize anyone else to deal in the investments in your account;
                              • while this Agreement continues you will not, either directly or indirectly, cause us to incur any liability to any third party which is not anticipated by the express terms of this Agreement.

                              6.23.4. Documents

                              You undertake to sign and/ or produce, by the time we ask you to, any documents we need to enable us to carry out our duties under this Agreement.

                              6.23.5. Indemnity

                              You (and where you are an individual or individuals your personal representatives) indemnify us on our written demand against all proceedings, actions, costs and expenses, claims, demands and/or other liabilities incurred by us, our agents, or any nominee or custodian, as a consequence of:

                              • the acceptance of instructions from you or any Authorized User over the telephone or by email or via the Online Platform;
                              • any breach by you or any Authorized User of any of the terms of this Agreement.


                              This indemnity shall not apply to the extent of any liability caused by a breach of this Agreement by us or the negligence, fraud or wilful default of us, our agents, a nominee or custodian.


                              6.24. The extent of our responsibility for our actions and the actions of others

                              6.24.1. Our responsibility

                              We will carry out our duties with reasonable skill, care and diligence and in accordance with the instructions and authority you have given us. As long as we do this, we cannot and do not accept any liability for loss (or the loss of an opportunity to gain) which arises from the provision of our Services for and on your behalf. We shall not be liable under any circumstances for any direct, indirect or consequential loss incurred as a result of a delay in funds reaching you.

                              6.24.2. We accept responsibility for our own nominee(s)

                              We accept responsibility for the acts or omissions in respect of this Agreement of any nominee company controlled by us or controlled by one of our Associated Companies.

                              6.24.3. Custodians / agents (other than our own nominee(s))

                              We will exercise reasonable care in our choice of nominees, custodians or agents and we will monitor their continuing suitability. As long as we do this (and as long as the losses do not arise directly from our negligence, fraud or wilful default) we cannot and do not accept responsibility for loss arising from the default of a nominee (other than our own nominee), a custodian or agent whether the loss arises from the loss of funds, investments, title documents or otherwise.

                              6.24.4. Events outside our reasonable control

                              We cannot and do not accept responsibility for losses you suffer as a result of our (or our agents, nominees, custodians or others appointed by us) failing to comply with these terms (or terms or matters contained in the Account Opening Application Form) as a result of circumstances outside our or their reasonable control. These circumstances would include, but not be limited to, interruption of power supply, electronic equipment or supplier failure. Neither objectives nor restrictions will be deemed to be breached as a result of changes in the value of investments caused by movements in the market.

                              6.24.5. Market Disturbances


                              We may give a notice (a “Disturbance Notice”) to you at any time if we form the view that market or trading conditions in the relevant market for the currency, bullion or other instrument concerned are seriously disturbed. This includes circumstances where, in our opinion, deposits in the currency, bullion or the instrument concerned are not available to us in the ordinary course of business in the relevant market or because of national or international financial, political or economic circumstances or exchange controls, it is impractical. When a Disturbance Notice is given, our obligations will be suspended while we negotiate alternative arrangements with you. If we reach agreement before the Value Date, those alternative arrangements will apply. If we do not reach agreement within that period, we will each be released from our obligations under the relevant transaction.


                              Pending orders will be activated on the Slippage, whether during trading hours or at the opening of the market, if there is a Gap between the current market price and the new price and the orders will be executed on the first screen price and traded, not on the original price to be executed.


                              If the price list is interrupted due to the interruption of the Internet or the company’s approved price source (provider), the company is obligated to pay the amount incurred by the customer in case of loss, while the customer is obligated to return the amount incurred by the company in case of profit, and the customer is obligated not to trade on the stalled prices or wrong price or error rate on the price list due to poor Internet or the company’s authorized provider and the customer is obligated not to trade.

                              6.24.6. Agency status

                              In any circumstances in which we act as your agent you will be bound by our actions. These circumstances may include but not be limited to our dealing with a third party on your behalf or arranging for a third party to receive or hold your money. Nevertheless, none of the Services shall give rise to any fiduciary or equitable duties which would prevent or hinder us or any Associated Company in transactions with or for you, acting as both market maker and broker, or acting as agent in dealing with other associates or clients and obtaining a profit from any such activity.


                              The company is not responsible for any agreement between the client and one of the employees of the company outside this agreement.

                              Delegation and use of Associated Companies/agents


                              We may delegate any of our responsibilities under this Agreement to a third party.


                              Subject to the JSC Rules, we may pay to and accept from third parties (and not be liable to account to you) benefits, commissions or remunerations which are paid or received as a result of Services conducted by you.

                              Charges, Fees and Tax


                              You agree to pay us the charges for our Services as notified to you through the Online Platform. Our website and other notifications to you set out:

                              • the basis of calculation of our charges;
                              • how frequently they are to be paid;
                              • (where relevant) whether any other payment is to be received by us (or to our knowledge by an Associated Company) in connection with transactions we carry out with or for you in addition to, or in lieu of, our charges.


                              You agree to reimburse us for all the costs and expenses we incur in the carrying out of our Services. The costs will include, but not be limited to:

                              • any costs and expenses referred to in the Account Opening Application Form and/or otherwise notified to you;
                              • transaction costs;
                              • commissions, transfer fees, registration fees, taxes and similar liabilities and costs.

                              We shall retain a lien and security interest over any assets within your account to the extent that any charges, costs, losses or claims for which you are liable to us remain unpaid. We will notify you of any disposal of any assets of yours we may be holding pursuant to rights under a lien or security interest. Such disposal will occur if you fail to make payments to us when due. The lien or security interest will apply in respect of each asset or type of asset or class of asset comprised within your account from time to time to the extent of your indebtedness to us.

                              In the event of default or late payment of any sum due to us we reserve the right to charge interest at a rate not exceeding the effective cost to us of borrowing in the relevant money markets an amount equal to the sums due or such other rate as we may have notified to you.

                              6.26.3. Changes in charges

                              Our charges may be changed from time to time. We will let you have 30 calendar days’ written notice of any changes to our charges before we implement them.

                              6.26.4. Payment of charges and expenses

                              You authorize us to deduct the charges and expenses due in relation to the provision of our Services under this Agreement and all related charges and expenses from your account at the times and frequency which have been notified to you. If there are insufficient cash balances on the account, you authorize us to liquidate positions or sell any assets we may be holding to the extent necessary to cover the accrued charges and expenses. If we cannot collect charges and expenses in this way, we will invoice you and the invoice will be payable on receipt.

                              6.26.5. Tax

                              You must pay, or reimburse, us for any taxes applicable, now or in the future, to your bets or on any spread or charges payable by you pursuant to this Agreement.


                              You will be responsible at all times for the payment of all taxes due and for providing any relevant tax authority with any information relating to the use of the Services. Where we are required by law to provide information to a tax authority this provision of information will be governed by our Privacy Notice. You agree that if we provide you with any information or express any opinion in relation to the tax treatment of the Services you used or continue to use it will not be reasonable for you to rely upon any such statement and it will not constitute tax advice.

                              6.26.7. Dormant Account Fees

                              If there has been no activity for more than six months on any account in your name it will be classified as dormant and may be charged the dormant account fee. The fee will be charged every six months after this time if there continues to be no activity on the account(s). To avoid being charged a dormant account fee, you should have executed at least one trade in your account(s) in any given 6-month period. If you have unrealized trades that have remained open for longer than the 6-month period but have not executed any further trades, your account will not be deemed dormant. If your account balance is zero or the dormant account fee will bring the balance of your account to zero or negative, Hantec Markets will charge such part of the fee that brings the account balance to zero and then close that account as per Term (6.14) We reserve the right to change this fee at immediate notice and may inform you of this by email, via the electronic trading platform, telephone call, fax, post, text message, or by posting notice of the change on our website.


                              6.27. Scalping

                              In any circumstances where we reasonably suspect that you performed abusive trading such as scalping, this will be considered as a breach of this Agreement and for this reason we reserve the right to take any of the following actions in relation to the scalping activity:

                              • Immediately terminate your account and your access to our servers;
                              • Void any trade (i.e., treat the trade as if the trade had never taken place) which was part of any scalping activity;
                              • Close any trade, which was part of any scalping activity, on the basis of our current market price;
                              • Make immediate changes to your account, including but not limited to, the liquidity provided by us and the spread quoted. We can exercise the above rights even if you have entered into (or refrained from entering into) such arrangements with third parties relating to the relevant trade and even if you may suffer a trading loss as a result.

                              6.28. Ending the Agreement

                              6.28.1. Notice of ending

                              You may end this Agreement by giving us written notice at any time – this Agreement will end when we receive your notice (or on a later date specified by you in such notice).

                              We may end this Agreement by giving you written notice at any time – this Agreement will end when you receive our notice (or on a later date specified by us in such notice).

                              6.28.2. Consequences of ending

                              When this Agreement ends, we shall liquidate or close out all open positions and may charge you for:

                              • periodic charges which have accrued through to the date of termination which shall become immediately due and payable;
                              • any additional expenses we or our agents necessarily incur on termination of this Agreement;
                              • any losses necessarily realized by us in settling or concluding outstanding obligations within two days of termination of this Agreement, you will return or destroy all passwords and log-in information received from us in accordance with our written instructions.

                              Termination of this Agreement is without prejudice to the accrued rights and liabilities of the parties except in the case of termination under Term 6.28.1 which shall relieve us of any obligations set out in this Agreement or arising out of transactions contemplated by this Agreement, including any obligations arising out of any transaction already entered into with us.

                              This Agreement will be valid according to section 6.29.5

                              6.28.3. Investments

                              When this Agreement ends, we will account to you promptly for any assets we may be holding for you. However, we shall retain a lien and security interest over any assets within your account to the extent that any charges, costs, losses or claims for which you are liable to us remain unpaid.


                              6.29. General

                              6.29.1. Amendments

                              You must notify us in writing of any proposed amendments to this Agreement which will take effect only when accepted by us in writing.

                              We may amend this Agreement at any time. Amendments proposed by us will take effect on the date notified to you by us, which shall be a date not less than 10 business days after the date of issue of our notice unless circumstances (such as legal or regulatory requirements) dictate a shorter period.

                              6.29.2. Time of essence

                              Time shall be of the essence in respect of all your obligations under this Agreement (including any transaction).

                              6.29.3. Assignment / Transfer

                              This Agreement is personal to you and you may not assign or transfer any of your rights or responsibilities under it without our prior written consent. We may assign or transfer our rights and responsibilities under this Agreement to an Associated Company upon giving you written notice. We may assign or transfer our rights and responsibilities under this Agreement to a third party but will give you 30 calendar days’ prior written notice if we intend to do so.

                              6.29.4. Rights and Remedies

                              The rights and remedies provided in this Agreement are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights or remedies provided by law.

                              Neither the failure nor delay on our part in exercising any right or remedy under this Agreement shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or partial exercise of any right or remedy preclude us from any other or further waiver of any right or remedy.

                              6.29.5. Severance

                              If any court or competent authority finds that any provision of this Agreement (or part of any provision) is invalid, illegal or unenforceable, that provision or part provision shall, to the extent required, be deemed to be deleted, and the validity and enforceability of the other provisions of this Agreement shall not be affected.

                              If any invalid, unenforceable or illegal provision of this Agreement would be valid, enforceable and legal if some part of it were deleted, the provision shall apply with the minimum modification necessary to make it legal, valid and enforceable.

                              6.29.6. No Rights under Contracts (Rights of Third Parties)

                              A person who is not a party to this Agreement shall have no right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) to enforce any of its terms.

                              6.29.7. Language

                              This Agreement is supplied in English and all communications from us to you for the duration of this Agreement shall be in English.

                              6.29.8. Telephone Calls

                              Telephone calls (and other communications as defined by the Regulation of Investigatory Powers) between us may be recorded to maintain the quality of our service to you. All recordings shall and will remain solely our property and will be accepted by you as conclusive evidence of instructions or conversations so recorded. You agree that we may deliver copies of transcripts of such recordings to any court, regulatory or government authority.

                              6.29.9. Telephone Conversations and Electronic Communications

                              Under JSC regulations we will need to record all telephone conversations and electronic communications between us that result in placing and/or closing an order or a trade, including communications that are intended to result in placing and/or closing an order or a trade, irrespective of outcome. A record of such telephone conversations and electronic communications can be provided to you upon request.

                              6.29.10. Cooperation in Proceedings

                              If any action or proceeding is brought by or against us in relation to this Agreement or arising out of any act or omission by us required or permitted under this Agreement, you agree to co-operate with us to the fullest extent possible in the defense or prosecution of such action or proceeding.

                              6.29.11 Governing Law

                              This Agreement and our relations before we entered into this Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Jordanian Law.


                              Unless you are an EU Consumer (other than one resident in England or Wales) and subject to Term, the Courts of England and Wales will have exclusive jurisdiction over any claim or matter arising under or in connection with the Agreement and the legal relationships established by the Agreement.


                              Unless you are an EU Consumer, we shall be entitled to take proceedings against you in any other competent jurisdiction, and the taking of proceedings in any one or more jurisdictions will not preclude the taking of proceedings in any other jurisdictions, whether concurrently or not, to the extent permitted by the law of such other jurisdiction.

                              6.29.12. Treating Clients Fairly

                              At Hantec Markets Limited Jordan we are committed to treating our clients fairly (“TCF”). We have reviewed these terms and conditions in the context of TCF and believe that they are in accordance with our TCF commitment. We have also reviewed our internal systems and controls and will continue to monitor the service we provide in the light of client feedback to ensure TCF for our clients.


                              7. Provisions Relevant to Particular Types of Client

                              7.1. Joint and several liability

                              Each of the trustees accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement. Save in respect of liability arising directly or indirectly from negligence, fraud or wilful default, the liabilities of the trustees under the terms of this Agreement shall be limited to the assets of the trust from time to time.

                              Individuals applying jointly

                              If you are individuals applying jointly, the following additional terms apply:

                              7.2.1. Acceptance of Instructions

                              We will accept instructions from any one account holder unless you notify us otherwise.

                              7.2.2. Death during the Term of the Agreement

                              On the death of any one of you this Agreement will not terminate and we will treat the survivor(s) as the only person(s) entitled to or interested in the account. Should all of you die during the term of this Agreement we shall continue to hold the account according to the investment mandate specified until such time as we are instructed otherwise by the properly appointed executor(s) of the last of you to die.

                              7.2.3. Joint and Several Liability

                              Each of you accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement.


                              7.3. Partnerships

                              If you are a non-incorporated partnership, the following additional terms apply:

                              7.3.1. Changes in Composition of Non-incorporated Partnerships

                              This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding any change in the composition of a non-incorporated partnership whether by the death, retirement or addition of partners to the partnership or otherwise.

                              7.3.2. Joint and Several Liability

                              If you are a partner in a non-incorporated partnership each of you accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement.


                              7.4. Trusts

                              If you are a trust the following additional terms apply:

                              7.4.1. Changes in trustees during the term of the Agreement

                              At our option this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding any change in the composition of the trustees whether by death, retirement or addition of trustees or otherwise.

                              7.4.2. Joint and Several Liability

                              Each trustee accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement. Save in respect of liability arising directly or indirectly from negligence, fraud or wilful default, the liabilities of the trustees under the terms of this Agreement shall be limited to the assets of the trust from time to time.


                              7.5. Unincorporated associations

                              If you are members of an unincorporated association, the following additional terms apply:

                              7.5.1. Changes in membership during the term of this Agreement

                              At our option this Agreement shall continue in full force and effect notwithstanding any change in the composition of the membership whether by death, retirement or addition of members or otherwise.

                              7.5.2. Joint and several liability

                              Each of you accepts joint and several liability for the obligations accepted by you under this Agreement.


                              8. Warning

                              8.1. Risks of Margin Trading

                              You should consider the following risks before trading through our Services.

                              Trading in derivatives, particularly margin trading, involves the potential for profit as well as the risk of loss. This may vastly exceed the amount of money you commit to any trade or transaction. Movements in the price of financial markets are influenced by a variety of factors of global origin, many of which are unpredictable. Violent movements in the price of foreign exchange, bullion rates, CFDs and spread bets may result in action by the market. As a result, you may be unable to settle adverse trades. HML staff are unable to guarantee a maximum loss that you may suffer.

                              You may be required to deposit substantial additional margin, at short notice, to hold your positions. If you fail to provide funds to hold your positions, they may be closed without further reference to you. Movement in the price of foreign exchange, bullion rates and CFDs are influenced by a variety of factors of global origin many of which are unpredictable. Price movements of derivative contracts are influenced by interest rates, changing supply and demand relationships, fiscal, monetary and exchange control programs and policies of governments, and national and international political and economic events and policies. In addition, governments intervene from time to time, directly and by regulation, in certain markets, particularly markets in currencies and interest rate related contracts and derivatives. Such intervention is often intended to influence prices and may, together with other factors, cause all of such markets to move rapidly in the same direction because of, among other things, interest rate fluctuations. Violent movements in the price of foreign exchange, bullion rates and CFDs may result in action by the market as a result of which you may be unable to settle adverse trades. Certain investment strategies or hedging techniques, including those involving ‘spread’ positions or ‘straddles’, may be as risky as taking simple ‘long’ or ‘short’ positions. Although derivatives can be used for the management of investment risk, some of these products are unsuitable for many investors. Different instruments involve different levels of exposure to risk and in deciding whether to trade in such instruments you should be aware of the issues set out in this risk warning. However, this risk warning cannot disclose all of the risks and other significant aspects of such derivatives. You should not deal in derivatives unless you understand their nature and the full extent of your exposure to risk and losses. If there is anything you do not understand it is recommended that you seek appropriate advice from a suitably qualified person (such as a lawyer, accountant or financial adviser). You should therefore carefully consider whether such trading is suitable in light of your own financial position and investment objectives.


                              As the agreement of several pages, its signature by its parties is deemed to be a signature on all its pages and the client is not entitled to appeal against the signing of any of its pages and acknowledges that it has read all annexes to the agreement mentioned in the last clause (9).

                              8.3- The client acknowledges that he has read the agreement and the annexes below and that he has understood them all and understands them clearly and has agreed to their full contents and adheres to the absolute obligation and is obliged to read all the amendments that occur and that are posted on the website of the company or sent to him by e-mail.

                              8. This agreement consists of the introduction and the number of pages is 14 , including this item in addition to:

                              • Mandatory Guidance Bulletin.
                              • The acknowledgement and commitment adopted by the company.
                              • Additional project proposals and general conditions for the global financial markets, including risks and warnings.
                              Line website

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